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Relationships, dating, and all you married types. Here, let us speak of our experiences, troubles, highlights, maybe some advice (though don't ask me).


For example:


Ladies and gentlemen, I fear it's all beyond me. I've had the unfortunate luck of recently picking the girls who never bother to tell you outright they rather not go out. They rather you infer it from their coded messages and subtle "maybe next week" texts. You know, I get you don't want to hurt anyone, but it's worse to keep someone anticipating the possibility. I'm a Yes or No kinda guy. If you want to be friends, just say so right off.


I'm venting this all right now because this is likely happening now. It has happened to me dozens of time, but there's always the chance that we're all at bad timing, but without going into details, it feels like that's not fully the case. Sure we're both full-time workers, but you're whole life isn't dedicate to a job. What probably bugs me is that we're social network connected, on her part, but there are updates about "woes of being single."



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I suck at this subject, but I feel like most people are just....pussies. Men and women. Very few are straight to the point, because they(as you said) don't want to "hurt your feelings."

But I also have to say that just because someone constantly bitches about how being single sucks doesnt mean theyll settle for anyone. I know a lot of people like that. And social networks have really made this into a bigger problem than it used to be. It really sucks.

But I guess its still up to each person. Wait around, try harder to get her to like you, or give up and stay friends. Or dont talk to her anymore. I dunno. Its up to you.

I will say from what little experience I have that the worst option is the stay-friends-hoping-someday-she'll-magically-like-you option. Thats rom-com shit for the most part. Thats almost always likely to be a waste of time, and if you really like this person, itll eat you up slowly and painfully. It sucks.

I don't know.


Im 28 years old and I still struggle with the idea of girls liking me. They tend not to, so when it happens, it confuses me. Im self deprecating and have low self esteem, but objectively Im not good looking and Im a really difficult person to get along with. I dont have any interesting stories to tell either because I dont do much. From what I can tell, only reason I have ever gotten laid or have had a gf is because I was funny. Same reason Ive ever had friends too. And because the girls that liked me were fucked up in their own way. Not on my level of fucked up, but fucked up enough to entertain the idea of sticking around, enough for me to start being kind to them. 

I kind of work in reverse to everyone. I start out being kind of a dick and the more I get to know and like people, the kinder I get. Im not sure why I do that. Its counter productive to what I want to be like. Im an idiot.

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I recently got friend zoned so hard. It's not like I wanted to date her or anything, she is bat shit  hyper christian insane. She calls her boobs "the girls" in a non ironic way and say only the worthy may touch them. The fuck. but dat ass. Just the tip would've been enough.


Just the tip

Edited by Waldorf and Statler
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Religious differences suck. We tried for years. I burned. Oh well. She's still a nice person so whoever she chooses is lucky.

While I'm sure there were other reasons but religious differences was a major sticking point. I'm also sure it can work but your mileage will vary.


Now how to learn how to love again... sure I'm attracted to people but I just can't be arsed to bother right now. Also girls and I guess guys will be kind of bothered by how straightforward I am. If I am comfortable with you, I'll be quite forward. Are you getting fat? Yeah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been given advice from some, well, I guess they're friends. They were telling me that I should have this one girl "chase me," but then I ask them how. I mean, really, she has more of a social life than I do and seems to have a lot of friends and family. How is a dork like myself going to have such a girl chase after me?


Ultimately I've known I need to move on, but there's only so few places I go and so few girls I meet outside of work. Now there's going to be a new girl at work and I can't believe I have people pushing me into thinking about this mystery girl. I know nothing about this person other than name, and from what experience I do have, dating at work is a terrible idea.

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