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The Order: 1886

Mister Jack

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Hmmmm, I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand, if it is a good 5 hours of gaming, then perhaps I would be fine with it. Better that than a poor/dull 15 hours. On the other hand. This looks a bit... bland. Will wait till respected first hand opinions come in. (Looking at some of you suckas to take a bullet for me!) :)

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I'm more worried about the quality of the five hours over the duration of the game. Obsession over playing time leads to things like Ubisoft's open world map packed with icons.


That's not always a bad thing, but linear story driven games aren't necessarily all bad either.

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Looks like the video's gone.


@staySICK: Generally speaking I agree, but I can't imagine how a game that looks like a normal third person cover shooter could possibly be enough better than all the other third person cover shooters to create the kind of value that could justify full price on a 5 hour game with no multiplayer.  Like, even if it's a quite good third person cover shooter, I can't imagine how it could be so much better than all the others to justify that.

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A quote from the dev on Eurogamer:




"Gameplay length for me is so relative to quality. It's just like a movie. Just because a movie is three hours long, it doesn't make it better."


Yeah, but if the movie was 45 minutes long I might be complaining about that...

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There are about 6-7 people on GAF who have early copies of the game and are posting positive impressions. It sounds better than I thought tbh, but not a masterpiece.


Gameplay I'm picking up a  7.5-8/10 vibe

Everything else sounds like a 9-10/10 vibe


They say it falls into the category of great, flawed, short singleplayer games which have been studded throughout gaming history. Examples like Metal Gear Solid, Ico, Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.


- They say that technically it's unprecedented. A tiny margin away from "playable movie". Showstoppingly good simulation, including interactive elements eg gibbing, gore and reactive animations.

- The word is that gameplay is very solid and borderline great, but only really comes into it's own around the middle third of the game. At the beginning and end there isn't enough of it, and encounters could be better.

- Apparently the soundtrack is all written and recorded on period instruments and is phenomenal.

- Also apparently very good writing, like high calibre. They're all refusing to talk about the story – suggesting it's very good and needs to be experienced first hand. They say the character writing and emotional impact is top-tier


It's bouncing around on the GAF Gaming Discussion front page, so have a look there if you're curious. Sounds like it'll be worth a buy from me, but for people who like open world games, games with multiplayer, or games with RPG mechanics, it won't be worth going in on. Length is never an issue for me really, as we'll usually play things again in coming months/years and get double play length anyway.


Edit: apparently the 5-hour thing was massive misinterpretation. The guy himself came out and said "you're all being ridiculous, I started at 1.45 pm and am still playing at 10pm, not finished"


Looks like an average playtime of about 8 hours from various sources. Some say 6-7 hours, some say 10-11 hours.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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  On 2/17/2015 at 2:01 PM, Mister Jack said:


  On 2/17/2015 at 1:35 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

$60 for the best 5 hour sex session of your life?   ;)


$12 an hour?  What kind of gross-ass whores have you been going to?



Ones with gross asses



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So apparently this game just completely recycles encounters.


Final boss spoilers:



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And the "cinematic" nature of the game means that it's not just that the encounters are samey, but they are literally exactly the same.

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I'm rather glad I didn't pre-order this game now. Sure I'll pick it up at some point (or borrow it), but the negative press has really put me off. A real shame really, as I was really interested in a game set in that world. Maybe the sequel will deliver where this game missed. 

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  On 2/17/2015 at 8:08 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

So apparently this game just completely recycles encounters.


Final boss spoilers:



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And the "cinematic" nature of the game means that it's not just that the encounters are samey, but they are literally exactly the same.


Where did that impression come from? I'm curious to read it. Nobody else I've seen said it recycles any gameplay


And for fuck's sake in quoting your message the spoiler tags were removed and I saw the goddamn pictures I didn't want to have spoiled


To me this looks like the same enemy type, but in two completely different contexts? Basing a several-minute scene on two single frames seems a bit facetious. That's like saying "man, in Gears of War you fight this boomer in a room, then look, later in the game, you fight a boomer in a room, too!"

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It's because of the way these fights are designed. It's a QTE fight. So you (from a superficial glance at the video) do the same QTE sequence for the final boss as you do for an earlier mob and they just change the arena. Every person who plays will experience both these moments exactly as they appear above. It's not down to the player putting in any effort setting it up so that it looks the same.


Obviously there is an argument to be made for all games being repetitive in so much as you point and shoot or drive a car or what have you. But this feels... lazy somehow.

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Super lazy given the flexibility QTEs allow for in animation and events compared to the likes of traditional attacks/attacks. Likely a result of crunch hitting, so easier to clone a fight to an earlier sequence and help pad out the game a little more for next to no extra development effort. (though given a quick check the devs say the game has been in development since 2010, so unlikely to be a crunch issue)



Also given this is my first post in this topic: I never saw why this gained any hype, seemed like it'd be mediocre from the get go. I guess the main thing it has going for it is being a PS4 exclusive?

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Oh shit, yeah, as a QTE sequence, that's full-blown retard


Dean: they never showed enough of it to form a proper opinion tbh. It could have been as deep as TLoU or as deep as Gears, but we only ever saw short gameplay snippets.


Sounds like it's a lot like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune or Assassin's Creed in terms of gameplay. Basically a rough proof of concept which, similarly to AC1, has really good simulation – cutting edge in this case.

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