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So I figured I'd make an official post though for the most part you're all pretty well aware of the current issues.


Basically forum is running pretty crappy at the moment, and for the most part it is just the forum, I've not really noticed any issues with the main PXOD site. Less than two weeks back were were moved onto a different Apache service and it went well for a couple days and now it's back to past slowness again. 


There's an upcoming major version (Version 4.00) of the forum software which I'm hoping, since major versions tend to be a pretty much fresh install, will alleviate any issues. Until then it's unfortunately a case of crossing fingers and hoping whatever is up goes away, or holding out for the new version of the forum.

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Ah thanks!I still was on "Content I have not viewed." But somehow had selected' items I follow' and I don't follow any threads. Never quite saw the point in that. I guess maybe if it was a high traffic forum?

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Yeah this would be after I tell the forum support dude "you know what, since submitting this ticket it's been pretty fine". Tickets open next five days, if any could maybe make note of times(including timezone)/ roughly geographical location/device/and maybe ISP then PM onto me (Or DM/Facebook/whatever method you know of getting in touch if forum is /really/ slow) and I can pass that onto the support guy and they'll potentially be able to pinpoint stuff.

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