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Been doing some work:

So probably the more notable change is disabling the RSS feed on the homepage, though that's probably not going to do much given it only ever appeared on the homepage. (so that'll likely come back)

I've gone and twiddled a bunch of settings on the back end to reduce things get in the database for too long. Now means notifications will go after a month (but that should be more than enough time for you to get them)

I've tweaked the notification settings, though I don't think it's applied retroactively across current users, so less things will/can trigger emails (which can be a cause of slowness and I did change some email stuff per folks request a couple months ago).

I've reset "Watched topics" on a bunch of folks (two in particular who seemed to be following everything on the forum  <_< ) Though as there's a lot of people to go through that I'm hoping for a "do it for everyone" solution, then start fresh with people actually still actively using forum.

I've also dicked about with PHPMyAdmin to try and tweak bits of the database a bit but not too much there since messing with the DB can fuck things big style (but is likely the main culprit given there's 122K posts on the forum totalling around 150MB).


I'm not a web developer though and both the Dreamhost and Invision are pointing their fingers at each other (which is at least better than Dreamhost pointing at the VPS purchase page like they've done in the past). It's liekly a mix of both, the software is pretty huge and clunky in the coding side, which Invision are seemingly making a major change on fixing up in the next version, and Dreamhost being shared hosting isn't going to be the greatest or most ideal for forums especially this old and large.


edit: Oh and it might be mixed result on the speed for a bit since it'll likely re-cache stuff on your end to get the "slightly newer" forum.

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Not had a chance to check personal email yet but yesterday I did dump another support ticket on Dreamhost with pretty graphs n pointing out it's pissing folks off so might find a finger has been lifted. Or it's just a temporary anomaly.


edit: I've had no response from Dreamhost and running forum through same tool again shows that while it is much faster than the weekend, it's still relatively slow to everything else.

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I'm really hoping I'm not going to have to be hitting up the host every few days to "reset the apache service".  Though I sent support request on Saturday and got the support response last night, and it was fine in-between those times so doubting that's "fixing" it. Maybe something new on the server (as in another site ran by someone else) is conflicting or something? Though you'd hope if that was the case they'd be able to see and go "oh yeah, this other site is going doo-lally on the server". Updates on IPS 4.0 are coming more and more frequently, so I'd guess they're heading towards completion and maybe with a fresh install if there's anything that's bugged out in the code it'll be sorted.


I literally have fuck all idea what's up or how to resolve it and both Dreamhost and Invision seem unwilling or unable to offer a hand. Submitted another request, this time pushing a bit more on the "hey can you maybe look into the underlying cause instead of just essentially a "turn it on an off again" response".

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I'm really hoping I'm not going to have to be hitting up the host every few days to "reset the apache service". 


So now super annoyed cos I got a template email response.


Sir Bowes, I hope you know what this means. Automatic emails them.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Hooray. It's slow again. So it's a Sunday night (for me) so I'm gonna hold off til tomorrow to send support email through. Mixture of: cos I want to go to bed in the next half hour, don't want to get angry at this time of night (though not doing well at the moment) and cos not likely to get response til tomorrow anyway. I've done everything within my technical grasp that their support articles suggest, most of them before I got their support emails and a couple things years ago. For the most part this forum is running as light as it can without not running at all. I've even asked at work, but we don't deal with this kind of hosting. Also means they can't trouble shoot it in usual way since all the admin level tools are on Dreamhosts side and apart from to show me a log of their server bot killing one of the sites (it doesn't list which) I haven't been given me any actual useful info to further troubleshoot it myself, nor do they seem to want to lift a finger to try and resolve it on their end except "rest the apache server", which I not notice they've just responded to me on Twitter offering to do the same again (I'm not submitting a support request atm, but I'm open to a quick bitch about them in 140 characters or less). I'd think after nearly two months it'd be obvious to them that it's something deeper than "turn it on and off again" would resolve.



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