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Games You've Bought 2014


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So I totally forgot about the Wii U Deluxe Digital Promotion, but since I got Pikmin 3 digitally for free last night, that 60 dollars still counted towards my points total. I wouldn't have even thought about it but I saw a thread about it on another message board, and lo and behold, the 599 points from Pikmin bumped me past the 500 and 1000 point barriers. Basically meaning I got two 5 dollar activation points. So I used that money, and the remaining credit on my account to buy:



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I've been meaning to get Dragon's Crown for a while and finally decided to go for it since it was on sale and I've pretty much exhausted my backlog of physical Vita games.




Ys just happened to also be on sale. It's the lowest I've ever seen it go for and I've been getting the impression that it's getting harder to find (seems to only be available from marketplace sellers on Amazon.ca and most of them are a tad overpriced) so I figured I might as well grab it now.

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No stutter on medium, and high requires 2GB of memory when my card is just 1.2GB. Seems like the video card is related to the issue.


My completely uneducated guess is that the game streams high resolutions textures in more frequently than most open-world games, and that causes the stuttering. Maybe to reduce pop-in?

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My understanding from what Ubi has said is that it has something to do with the way textures are streamed from system ram to graphics ram.  On the consoles it's all one pool of ram so it doesn't need to move it, but on PC it has to move it to the graphics card and that's what's slowing it down.  Essentially they didn't optimize properly for the different memory arrangement when they ported it.

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I was already considering buying it day one (making it the first fighting game I ever buy at full price) and I just saw Amazon.ca has some E3 discounts on pre-orders. It was down to 50 bucks so while I'm still not 100% sure I'll get it at launch, I figured I might as well lock that price down now and just cancel it if I change my mind.


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Disgaea 4 and DanganRonpa 2 have been pre-ordered for months but I don't think I ever posted them. Anyway, they were both also discounted but for some reason my orders didn't update to reflect the lower price. I don't know if Amazon's lower price guarantee is just slow to kick in or what but I cancelled and re-ordered them both just to be safe. Probably for the better since my credit card expired this month and I completely forgot to update the info for past orders.

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WHAT! Oh man, Amazon.ca not totally sucking? What's going on? 


The Last of Us Remastered


Assassins Creed Unity


All for 53 dollars (including tax) each, much better than the $70 (+tax) bullshit the game industry is trying to pull on me. Fucking game industry. 

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WHAT! Oh man, Amazon.ca not totally sucking? What's going on? 


The Last of Us Remastered


Assassins Creed Unity


All for 53 dollars (including tax) each, much better than the $70 (+tax) bullshit the game industry is trying to pull on me. Fucking game industry. 


**According to Google $CAN53 is £29





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I didn't really want super mario kart but it's price was knocked off MK8 when you bought both so was essentially free. I chose WWHD as my free game. I was thinking of getting wonderful 101, but I didn't enjoy the demo. I've been told that doesn't well represent the game so I will probably buy it if I see it cheap which is more likely than seeing WWHD cheap.


Cool thing is that WW counts toward the Nintendo premium, (more than MK8 plus super MK together, in fact) so I now have £10 I can claim.

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For Vita. So, last night I figured I should probably check it out before the E3 sale ends since it's pretty much the only Vita game with a decent discount. I watched the GiantBomb quick look and thought it looked alright but not really my kind of game. Then today I remember it and go "Wait, no, that looked totally sweet!" and went to buy it.


I don't know what's wrong with me...

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Sir You are Being Hunted.


Was on a cheap deal thing on GOG. I bet come Steam summer sale it'll end up being same price :(


I need to get back into that game, the 5 hours I played of it were pretty enjoyable. Strikes me as the sort of game that'd be perfectly for a lazy Sunday evening.

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