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Games You've Bought 2014


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Every bad review I've heard of Alien: Isolation has clearly been written by people who arent stealth/horror/Alien fans (usually 2/3 of those) or dont know how to play stealth/horror games.


I also played it at EGX in April and it was fucking sick. The alien AI is unbelievable- and that was clear from the demo, fuck reviewers who say it's repetitive/broken. The simulation was brilliant too, literally like a sci fi PT or first person dead space. I recommend it to anyone who likes the sound of that.


Im preordering it tomorrow with no worry in my mind. At full price from a brick and mortar game shop because i love the existence of gaming shops and i want them to continue existing. Really nice local one next to my work, too.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Alien: Isolation is one of those games where I want to keep myself from watching anything about until I get to it. As kenshi said, the AI sounds great. I want the damn aliens to pop out wherever. I want to see them on my radar to only have them disappear for a moment... right before I look straight up or behind me to spray them with bullets. The aliens are able to take out Predators (in the extended universe) so they better live up to that name.


Embrace the xenomorphs with hot lead.

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Picked up Divinity 2, GRID, and Aarklash: Legacy on that Gog mutator sale, got some random flight sim bullshit for my mutators. Also got Teleglitch and Child of Light on their Steam sales a few days ago. So far, Aarklash: Legacy seems like a pleasant little RTwP, and GRID seems like $3 of buyer's regret. Sigh.

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It's an okay price now, too.



Not sure I'm sold on this yet. Atm it's like a bad mix between Alone in the Dark (the unbelievably flawed 2007-8 one) and Resident Evil 4. I think the main issue, however, was that I was playing it with two guests in the room. Atmosphere totally fucked. And guests here till Saturday, so I don't know if I'll get a chance to improve my experience till then.


Oh and I got Alien: Isolation last week. I haven't been on a gaming binge like this in years. I'm not sure it's a good idea.

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Just got home and my copy was waiting on my desk. Can't wait to give it a shot tonight. :D


Amazon was being slow with shipping and I started hearing stories of people getting their delivery estimates delayed by entire months and some even had their orders cancelled. So, I got nervous and ordered from EBGames yesterday. Lucky for me they still had copies in stock, Amazon pretty much stopped taking orders on release day. I don't think I'll ever pre-order anything remotely limited with them again.  :mad:

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Cool. How is Burst? I don't own a 3DS so I had to settle on watching the anime. :( It did a decent job getting me up to speed on the story but it only focused on the Hanzo side of things. 


I'll be getting a 2DS to play Persona Q in a few weeks so I might check it out then.

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Watch Dogs: Bad Blood.  It was effectively free, because it was $15 and put me over the edge to get the $15 PSN credit.


What's the story with this? And is it any good? I know shit-all about it. I imagine they'll have tried to make some improvements, especially to missions, on the vanilla game. I quite enjoyed Watch_Dogs - but by god I do not regret selling it.


@MetCav: Tomb Raider is really good, bar a mediocre story and especially terrible exposition. By halthway through it's incredible. Enjoy. Some day I'm going to get the PS4 remaster and platinum the fuck out of it. (It doesn't have multiplayer-only plats, though... does it? Does it?!)

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This showed up on my way out the door this morning. I had enough time to open it up and look at the console... they weren't lying when they said it's the size of a deck of cards. It'll be going into my bedroom, I got a direct connection to the router (which the PS4 is already connected to in the living room) so remote play should be great. I should go pick up another DS4 though, as I can't go back to the DS3. I'll post some thoughts in the Vita thread at lunch or after work. 

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