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Games You've Bought 2014


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[Picture of super Mario bros. Deluxe]*


Forgot Nintendo were giving this away for free with something to do with your Nintendo ID so it was a nice surprise when the code appeared in my inbox.


*posting on my phone there are no posting options?

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Oh god, I bought a game at launch. (I also bought it off their site cos it's cheaper and you get both the DRM free and Steam versions)


How much of your money goes to the developer isn't a concern for you? You just put 95% of your money towards them. That's fucking amazing. At this point I'm not buying anything on Steam that is also on the Humble Store.

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It's probably worth noting that the Humble Store (though not yet rolled out to the widgets) recently moved to the "simpler" system of using £/€ which means they've jacked up prices across the board. I don't particularilly care on "DRM-free" versions since sweden supplies those anyway, and for the most part primary concern is cost to me. I'm aware the Widget gives more money to dev, but end of the day I ain't a charity.

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I'll have to give the demo a shot. I had never even heard of the game (or the original) until yesterday but it looks pretty cool. 


As for me, there's the new HIB. Mostly got it for Monaco but I also didn't own Giana Sisters. I wasn't really interested in it but whatever.


Also, this was on sale for 5 bucks on PSN last week.




Grabbed it at the last minute before the store updated. I've wanted to play it for what seems like forever at this point and when I tried playing the PC version I remember having some annoying issues with it. Figured 5 bucks was an acceptable price to circumvent all that.


It also made me realize I've kinda been building myself a bit of a PS3 backlog the past couple months. I should probably take note of all I've bought so I can make sure to play everything once I have more free time. Okami being at the top of the list.

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It's probably worth noting that the Humble Store (though not yet rolled out to the widgets) recently moved to the "simpler" system of using £/€ which means they've jacked up prices across the board. I don't particularilly care on "DRM-free" versions since sweden supplies those anyway, and for the most part primary concern is cost to me. I'm aware the Widget gives more money to dev, but end of the day I ain't a charity.


Are you seriously complaining that you're paying what you should be paying instead of cheaper prices?

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1 £ is significantly more money than 1 €, or 1 $, (atm £1.00 ~= €1.21 ~= $1.67) so when stores set their prices for £ = € or £ = $ it actually means he's paying more than what he should be.  That would be what he's complaining about.


*Edit* - And all other things being equal I'll buy direct from the dev, but I'm certainly not going to pay more to do so (or at least not significantly more, I'll pay a couple percent more).

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Yeah I'm not talking about things like the Widget being cheaper than the Humble Store atm, I'm talking about the fact that in shifting the Humble Store over to giving Europe "simpler" £/€ pricing they've popped on a few bucks to most games meaning they're costing more than we should be paying.

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That. Its kind of good to have running on a separate computer while I work on my homework. At 1x speed, I can leave it running while I do other things if stuff doesn't go horribly wrong like not having any tools... winter is coming and I don't have enough fire food. Motherfuckers better Steve all the logs into firewood!

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1 £ is significantly more money than 1 €, or 1 $, (atm £1.00 ~= €1.21 ~= $1.67) so when stores set their prices for £ = € or £ = $ it actually means he's paying more than what he should be.  That would be what he's complaining about.


*Edit* - And all other things being equal I'll buy direct from the dev, but I'm certainly not going to pay more to do so (or at least not significantly more, I'll pay a couple percent more).



Yeah I'm not talking about things like the Widget being cheaper than the Humble Store atm, I'm talking about the fact that in shifting the Humble Store over to giving Europe "simpler" £/€ pricing they've popped on a few bucks to most games meaning they're costing more than we should be paying.


Define should be. If your money is worth more than why do you think you shouldn't pay for that?

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Digital goods should be the same price across regions (barring actual additional expenses).  So something that costs $10 in the US should cost $10 in the UK.  The problem is companies like to just change the symbol in front of the prices, so something that costs $10 in the US costs £ in the UK, which means it actually costs $16.70 in the UK.  That's bullshit.


The people who should be "paying for it" as you say are the people whose currency is worth less (so the US in this example).  If a British company is selling stuff for £10 in the UK and then they expand their sales to the US they'd be retarded to just charge $10 for it, because they'd be losing $6.70 on every US sale.


The only reason companies pretend $=£=€ is because they want to be able to price gouge without it being just super obvious at a glance.

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Why should it be the same again? If our money and economies are not the same why should the cost? That's why I brought up something that exists purely digital that's on a level playing field. Bitcoin.


because they'd be losing $6.70 on every US sale.



That's like saying that pirating= losing a $60 sale. You can't lose something you never had. What you mean is that they're making less profit. Isn't Japan's weak money a big issue that's costing them lots of money right now?

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Weak money is good for exporters and bad for importers, strong money is bad for exporters and good for importers.  So companies like Sony and Nintendo make money when the yen is weak, and lose money when the yen is strong.  For example, say Sony sells $1 billion worth of shit in the US: if the yen is weak, say 100 yen per dollar, that $1 billion translates into 100 billion yen, but if the yen is strong, say 75 yen per dollar, it only translates into 75 billion yen.  Because their business is based in Japan and based on the yen they primarily care about how much yen they make, so they want the yen to be weaker.  Importers are the opposite, because if you're buying stuff from outside of Japan a strong yen means you can buy more things per yen, so they're effectively cheaper for you.


The reason the $=£=€ thing is bullshit is because it has nothing to do with the strength of the economies.  The base value of the currency is completely arbitrary, the only thing the economy affects is changes in the relative values.  Like say Scotland secedes from the UK and starts making their own currency: they could say that the base unit of their currency, 1 Scot, is worth $10 right now.  That doesn't mean their economy is good, it just means that's the value they picked.  After that starting point the value of the Scot will fluctuate based on the relative strengths of the economies.  So now say their economy crashes and they have rampant inflation, and now 1 Scot is only worth $3: it's still worth a hell of a lot more than $1, even though their economy is down the toilet, so setting digital prices at $1 = 1 Scot would be completely ridiculous.  The same is true with the £ and €: each is worth more than the dollar but it has nothing to do with the relative strengths of the economies.

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I know it wasn't received all that well but after playing Blacklist back in the fall I was kind of itching for more Tom Clancy and figured this was the best candidate. It was just a matter of waiting for a sale. At 5 bucks, even if I don't like it I won't be too bothered.




2,49$ each. Complete impulse purchase. I remember trying a demo a long time ago and thinking it was alright. I've wanted to get them for a while, just never pulled the trigger until now.


Oh and got my pre-order down for this.




I'm not done with the first one yet but I fucking love it so I know I'll want this one too. It's not coming out until Fall (Amazon says September) but it was 39,99$ and Canadian retailers have been bumping their prices a bit lately to make up for a weak dollar or some shit, so I figured with Amazon's lower price guarantee I might as well lock that price down while I still could.


It's nice to know so early that the sequel is getting localized. Especially after the recent Zero Escape news. :(

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Thief. The reviews are good enough for me to bite, especially since I haven't played the others and most of the complaints seem to be more about things being different than being actual problems.


*Edit* - sorry for the hotlink, I'm on my phone so I don't have my imgur login.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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You can login to imgur? I just upload my shit and copy the links. I don't even know if I ever made an account.


Anyway, grabbed a few Vita games from the current sale.




Liked the demo but didn't want to pay 15 bucks for it.


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I really would've preferred physical copies for these as I'm still not sold on being digital only for Vita but shit, it's really hard to argue against 6,75$... 

And now my 32GB memory card is pretty much full. Gonna have to delete a few things and be more selective about what I keep on it from now on.


Oh and also this. 




Only one of the Ezio trilogy I was missing on Steam and the Gold edition finally hit a low enough price to make me not think twice about hitting that purchase button. I was disappointed with it when it first came out but considering I haven't played any new AC since then (and don't plan on playing III or IV any time soon), I probably won't be as harsh on it when I get around to replaying it.

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