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Games You've Bought 2014


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Actually got it yesterday (my local store breaking street date again, they were literally unpacking the boxes which just arrived), and I had the day off so I played it for about 6-7 hours.


Quite a game.


FPS mode is incredible but also feels like it chops the experience in half. As a previous player, you feel obligated to use it because it's new, but a lot of the time third person is definitely what the game was designed for. Like the transitions from cutscene into gameplay are almost always seamless with TPS, but in FPS there's a weird throb/flash moment where we zip into the character's head. I also dislike that FPS default speed is run. Ruins the flawlessly real pace of the city.


Still- rampages are actually playable now. Really immersive and sometimes the game looks like real life. Basically you have an amazing police-chase FPS, which is significantly more fun than rampaging in TPS.


It must be an engine thing, but the game still only renders super-high detail in the nearest 10-20 feet. It's really offputting. Esepcially when in wasteland which is covered in rubbish - bits of garbage on the floor will actually appear 15 feet ahead as you drive slowly through it. Stuff in the distance looks okay but still not great- nowhere near as great as well expected tbh. Must be due to the engine being optimized for 7th gen consoles. Can't get past that fundamental coding...


Anyway. Amazing thing. Amazing. New radio soundtrack is the fucking shit.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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chNYxA2.jpg ItjY3Vi.jpg


Skullgirls is currently on sale on GMG, Castle of Illusion was a couple days ago. I've been meaning to get both for a while but for some reason never pulled the trigger whenever they went on sale. I guess being able to stack a 20+% voucher on top of a 75% discount makes it harder to say no.


Really looking forward to checking out Skullgirls, if only because I've heard such high praise of its tutorial. Will this be the game that finally teaches me how to get good at fighting games?! Probably not.

Edited by FLD
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I won't bother with images.


Shadow of Mordor (PS4) -$25

The Evil Within (PS4) - $25

Killzone: Shadow Fall - $20


I got early access to Best Buy's Black Friday. There were definitely other games with great deals, most essentially being 50% off. I've always wanted Killzone: Shadow Fall, but being this late into the game I know I probably won't try multiplayer, so $20 is good enough for single player. Always wanted Shadow of Morder, but had other games to occupy my time. Last, The Evil Within I wasn't too into and seemed like I could pass, but after watching Two Best Friends (or I guess Super Best Friends now) play it a bit, I thought $25 was worth playing.

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Not bought as of yet, but I've pre-ordered this



You can see its guts





I just wanted to make sure you knew about this free game offer if you're still getting the 2DS bundle.

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Technically free since it comes as part of the deal. Only shame is that this and Pokemon fill up the entirety of the 4GB card that comes with the 2DS so had to remove it for the time being so I can not have errors popping up all over the menu screens about a lack of space. I'll have to research on how easy it is to back-up games to a PC and also ask Santa for a bigger card.


My friend didn't even believe me about the game filling it all up, she showed me her Data Management stuff with games on like 500-100 with one 4,000 block game. So I shower her the two 15,000 block games on my card.

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Purchases from the Steam sale so far.


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BattleBlock Theater was more of a "eh, why the hell not" since it was like a dollar but I've had my eye on Circuits for a couple weeks now. It's a neat little music-themed puzzle game.


As for The Long Dark, I've been intrigued by it ever since the initial kickstarter. Haven't had a lot of time to try it yet but so far it seems pretty cool. It's still in Early Access so only the sandbox mode is available right now but I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story mode will play out. I tend to be very careful which Early Access games I support and this one seemed like a safe bet. It's getting regular updates and the devs seem to know what they're doing.


I was hoping for a better deal on Isaac but my PS+ sub is ending like today or tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll re-sub right away so I went for it.

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I was debating about The Long Dark but I ultimately decided against it. From what I've seen it is quite polished for what it is but it can ultimately turn into a Cube World (Very polish alpha/beta but snail pace to non-existent dev).


To top off Shadow Warrior, I got Hard Reset. The story exposition is so far weaker (WTF am I doing here shooting at robots?) and the gameplay isn't as fun but it is enjoyable.

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I was debating about The Long Dark but I ultimately decided against it. From what I've seen it is quite polished for what it is but it can ultimately turn into a Cube World (Very polish alpha/beta but snail pace to non-existent dev).

Yeah, that's always a risk with Early Access. Games I'm willing to take a chance on are definitely in the minority. In this case, considering Hinterland is made up of established industry vets as opposed to unknown/unproven devs, it seemed like a safer bet. That and the combination of overwhelmingly positive feedback, having quite a bit of extra cash to spend and being really intrigued by the premise made it hard to resist. Their goal is to be in Early Access for no more than 2-3 months so I think the core mechanics are pretty far along.

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Been hearing really good things about it on NeoGAF. People are saying it's a better stealth game than the recent Thief, which I actually enjoyed, so it sounds right up my alley. I passed on it when it was one of the dailies on Steam but it's in the VIP section over on GMG today (better discounts but no vouchers can be applied) and I was able to use what little credit I had left to bring it down just low enough where I couldn't say no.


It's a prequel to Of Orcs and Men, though, which I haven't played. Hopefully I won't miss out on much by playing this one first.

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Far Cry 3



I played Far Cry 3 for about an hour and it seems alright, hopefully ill end up liking it more. Opening up th emap for the first time and thinking, "yup, it's an Ubisoft game" doesnt fill me with a lot of confidence though. I think im done with games that have TOO MUCH side stuff to do. So many damn icons.


As for Transistor, I havent played it yet, but I didnt really care for Bastion and while the consensus is good, I know there are people who didnt like it. Not to mention that bastion is almost universally praised.

I liked how it looked and what I read about it though. Here's hoping I enjoy this too.

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