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Games You've Bought 2014


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Yeah, they probably got most of the content out through the patch. Smart move, honestly. The patch has been live for almost a month now. Plenty of time for even the less active players to have downloaded it by now. I imagine they didn't want thousands of players hammering their servers all at once and repeating the launch disaster.

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Kinda accidentally bought myself this:




Basically my housemate had her PS3 and games nicked some years back. PS3 was returned buy not her games (well, got Fifa and Army of Two 2. Not hers). So last two years worth of birthdays and Christmases I'd been trying to find a copy of Folklore since it was one she particularly lamented been nicked. When I got my kindle I spied this so picked it up. Turns out the week before she'd gone to a local comic con and also saw it too. She at least appreciated the idea. Also it seems it has a relatively high resell value.

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I've had it pre-ordered for over a month but I was still on the fence. I mostly pre-ordered as a precaution since Atlus usually include a bunch of sweet bonus stuff with their first prints and with these niche RPGs you never know how limited the initial run will actually be. Anyway, the demo came out yesterday and I just gave it a run. This game is fucking weird. But I liked it so I think I'll be keeping the pre-order.





This one's going straight to the summer backlog, I think. I've been putting off getting it for a while but it's 10 bucks on Steam and I had a bit of cash left this month. I gave the demo a shot and it looks pretty damn fun!





On sale for like 1,75$ on the humble store. It was the only Hitman game I was still missing. Really glad it's finally available on Steam.

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Bank Heist DLC. How do you sell DLC to a Thief fan? You recreate the series' most iconic mission, of course. No idea how similar it's supposed to be but I just had to check it out. I don't realistically expect something comparable to the campaign missions considering it was only five bucks, but I hope it's a bit more substantial than the client jobs. Those are cool but usually pretty small.




I just love me some Trials. Was a tad worried performance- and specs-wise because it's next-gen and physics heavy but I looked into the requirements a bit and I should be fine, especially considering there's a 360 version that I was unaware of. People already in the beta are also reporting better performance than Trials Evolution Gold. Was kinda tempted to get the Deluxe editon that includes the season pass but fuck that, I'm getting sick of pre-ordering DLC that's even further off than the actual game. It doesn't even offer a further discount anyway so I'll just get it once DLC starts coming out.

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Bank Heist DLC. How do you sell DLC to a Thief fan? You recreate the series' most iconic mission, of course. No idea how similar it's supposed to be but I just had to check it out. I don't realistically expect something comparable to the campaign missions considering it was only five bucks, but I hope it's a bit more substantial than the client jobs. Those are cool but usually pretty small.

I got that as a pre-order bonus, and yeah it's somewhere between the client missions and a full-fledged story mission.  It's maybe twice as big as one of the client missions.

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Cool, that's what I was hoping for.


What's annoying is when I bought the game I grabbed the Master Thief edition thinking it was included in it. Guess I got confused with the pre-order bonus because all I got was some shitty opportunist pack that had extra starting cash and gear. Was only a couple extra bucks but I still feel like I wasted money. :/ Seriously, that kind of shitty "boost" DLC has got to stop being a thing.

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Does this count as game-related enough? Diablo III: Book of Tyrael.


How the hell did I not know this existed? Looks like it came out last fall but I only just now found out about it. It was pretty much an instabuy. I got the Book of Cain before D3 came out and really enjoyed reading it. It looked fantastic (cover isn't just a pic, if this one is like it then the sword will "stick out" a little, not sure how else to explain it), the artwork inside is amazing and reading the lore from the point of view of the characters was pretty cool.

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Despite the atrocious pic, this is the new one and not the classic. Looks like plenty of dumb fun and it was dirt cheap.




I've been meaning to give this series a shot for a while now, mostly because I keep hearing great things about it. This one is supposed to not be as good but the reasons why kinda make it sound more appealing to me so we'll see. They also recently removed GFWL and patched in Steamworks so I figured it was gonna go on sale sooner rather than later, was just waiting for it to happen. Now do Dark Souls, Namco Bandai!




I was a massive fan of Frozen Synapse (can't wait for the Vita remake) and have been looking forward to this one since its initial announcement despite me not caring about football in the least. Actually, it looks like they might be announcing a title change to Frozen Cortex soon because they're sick of the "frendzone" jokes and want to distance themselves from actual football a bit more. Although the timing of the post makes it possible it was an early April's fool so we'll see, I guess. I like Frozen Cortex better, to be honest.


Anyway, I'm usually not that keen to jump on early access games (or even spend that much on indie titles considering the abundance of bundles) but I went a bit crazy in March and ended up buying all the current and upcoming major releases I'm interested in so I'm left with a bunch of money and no big games to spend it on. There's a few more smaller titles I'm looking at but nothing I'm willing to pull the trigger on just yet.

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