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E3 2014 Predictions


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Alright, we're getting started a little late this year, but let's do this!

  • Halo 2 Anniversary for Xbone, possibly as part of the Master Chief Anthology (Halo 1, 2, 3 & 4 all ported to Xbone)
  • Price cut for 360
  • Boring TV boringness
  • Hopefully more info about the June Xbone update, especially taking out a lot of the interface weirdnesses cause by Kinect (particularly the fact that you can't even use Upload Studio at all without Kinect attached).


  • The Last Guardian for PS4! (Hey, I can dream...)
  • More info about Uncharted 4
  • More info about Gravity Rush 2
  • Possible price cut for PS3
  • Rime
  • Vita TV North America!


  • Blah blah, Wii U's still good, blah blah
  • Way more focus on 3DS than I care about
  • Probably no Zelda anything
  • Smash Bros


  • Some kind of Mass Effect reveal
  • New Red Dead on next-gen
  • More Mirror's Edge info?
  • AC: Unity and whatever the last-gen AC is (Comet?) - I predict that these will actually be highly related games, similar to how Splinter Cell: Double Agent had a Gen 6 and Gen 7 version, but they weren't ports, they were actually constructed separately.
  • Dragon Age info, obvs

And whatever else I think of later and decide to add

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Safe bets (What will probably happen):



-Last Guardian PS4 (I can feel it in my blood, Ethan!)

-Very little Vita news

-The Last of Us HD "coming this week!!!"

-DS4s in colours other than black (COME ON NOW, SONY!)

-Project Beast actually known as Demon Souls 2, PS4 exclusive




-Zelda will be teased but it'll be how Skyward Sword was teased, with just a poster and/or some vague discussion.

-Smash Bros, more Smash Bros, even more Smash Bros

-3DS garbage. 

-Pokemon remakes.

-Mario Kart DLC


3rd Party

-Mass Effect trilogy PS4/Xbone

-Skyrim HD PS4/Xbone




Long shots (what I hope will happen):



-Guerrilla RPG trailer

-Vita TV in North America




-Twilight Princess HD (because fuck Hyrule Warriors)

-Crossbuy 3DS/Wii U VC games

-N64/GCN coming to VC


3rd Party

Red Dead Redemption 2 (does Rockstar ever introduce things at E3?)



EDIT: Oh and Final Fantasy XV will be a no-show.

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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I'm throwing my hat into the Last Guardian ring as well. It's what will sell the system to me finally...

Maybe I'll also hear more about the English translation of Trails in the Sky part 2 since it is suppose to come out this summer at the earliest, this fall/winter at least.


Other than that... it'll be the same old.

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-Announcing a new handheld gaming console

-Cross platform play with steam on ALL games

-Sonic Exclusivity with a new announcement that makes people actually excited for the rebirth of the franchise



-New IP about time travel, at the end is revealed to be a new Jak & Daxter

-Makes the Playstation Eye standard in all boxes, price goes up $100

-Shows Last Guardian and announces a fall release date



-Announces they will continue to NOT be multi-platform, because they don't consider the PC to be a platform, they bring all Nintendo games to the PC with the release of their own Steam Competitor

-Announces the 4DS, its like the 3DS but with one more

-Shows off a new Nintendo IP about a boy and his dog/dragon, people shit their pants

-Announces a new controller type that adds an extra screen on the controller for the Wii U



-Announces that Assassins Creed Unity & Comet will shake up the franchise and will stop making AC games for a long time

-Announces a new IP that is set in a specific time period about scaling walls and buildings



-GTA V on new consoles, but refuses to put it on PC, because they already sold like a billion copies and don't care

-New open world IP set in the future with flying cars and interplanetary travel. Ambitious even for Rockstar



-Announces sequels to every game, like EVERY game including Fifa 14-2 and the likes.

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No real predictions that haven't been addressed above:


Actual gameplay footage from Battlefront 3.  And an announcement that it hasn't been cancelled yet.


More Nintendo games coming to phones.


Wolverine getting his own game and it looks like Ark Asylum.


Catherine 2.


More news on Pillars of Eternity with possible raw gameplay footage for one level.

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MS buys at least 2 Niche Japanese exclusive games for Xbox one and one other exclusive game that everyone wants. PC and ps4 gamers will be pissed.

Sony will have Uncharted 4 trailer and at least one more ps4 port of a ps3 game.

Nintendo has Zelda and I don't really care. Maybe even a twilight princess or skyward sword hd port. Or both.


And some other shit.

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 - I see it going one of two ways: either they actually get their head out of their ass and show good new games or they go full retard and double down on all that multimedia crap no one cares about. I kinda hope it's the latter because, honestly, I really enjoyed the slow-motion train wreck they had going last year. Come on, Microsoft! Tell us all about how you totally still got TV!

- Rumors of Platinum exclusive will turn out to be true, if only because that would annoy the shit out of me.

- Will also probably have bought at least another exclusive that will piss me off.



- The Last Guardian now a PS4 title. Still never coming out.

- Uncharted PS4 gameplay reveal

- God of War PS4 (was already teased on twitter, what remains to be seen is whether it's a PS3 Remaster or a new title)

- At least 3 new AAA exclusives

- Will barely acknowledge the Vita during their presser and if they do it'll be as a glorified PS4 accessory :(



- Will further dig themselves into that hole of theirs.

- Will find new ways to become irrelevant

- Will not announce a new Metroid because, you know, people would actually be excited about that

- Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei still M.I.A.


Not a chance in hell/wishful thinking:

- Bravely Default and Shin Megami Tensei IV Vita ports announced

- Halo Collection coming to PC alongside Xbone release

- Persona 5 details

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- Will further dig themselves into that hole of theirs.

- Will find new ways to become irrelevant

- Will not announce a new Metroid because, you know, people would actually be excited about that

- Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei still M.I.A.


I lol'd.

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I'll keep mine really simple.



  • Comes up with some new service to prove they can be like old Xbox, but also do TV stuff.
  • A bunch of Halo stuff
  • Call of Duty exclusive stuff
  • Remember, we're selling the Xbox One without a Kinect this month!


  • Here's a list of all our cool exclusives, but remember half of them have been delayed.
  • Maybe we can show another clip of Kingdom Hearts 3?
  • The Last Guardian title card pops up and someone explains it's still a thing.
  • PlayStation Now demonstration


  • Super Smash Bros. 3DS release date for next month, while Wii U version gets like 5 characters announced. For the unlikely, Mewtwo makes a return and people make all kinds of fluids in their pants.
  • New IP that people will downplay because it'll probably end up alright.
  • Zelda stuff gets teased, but nothing more.
  • Bayonetta 2 stuff happens as well because damn if people forgot that was a thing too.

The Unlikely

  • Gabe Newell shows off a Steambox, introducing us to the concept further, and the game he boots is Half-Life 3. All forms of social media and gaming outlets crash from the onslaught of reaction, coverage, and traffic.
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • No one will embarrass themselves . 
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The only one I can watch live is MS, which I probably will but am not really that interested. The only one I'd want to watch live would be the Nintendo one, but I'm at work. Though considering the stuttering mess it usually is I don't mind watching it a bit later. Also, if it's anything like their normal directs it will just be a repeat of a load of stuff we already know :( The best bit of news they could give is a winter  2014 Zelda Wii U but I think we'll be lucky to get it 2015.

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Alright, let's see how I did:


  • Halo 2 Anniversary for Xbone, possibly as part of the Master Chief Anthology (Halo 1, 2, 3 & 4 all ported to Xbone) - Yep.
  • Price cut for 360 - Nope.
  • Boring TV boringness - So happy to say I was wrong about this.
  • Hopefully more info about the June Xbone update, especially taking out a lot of the interface weirdnesses cause by Kinect (particularly the fact that you can't even use Upload Studio at all without Kinect attached). - And wrong, but mostly because the update was already released late last week.
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