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E3 2014 Predictions


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It looks like the only thing that worked was the multiplayer. How many times have they scrapped and restarted this project that we know of? At least twice? Last time it was called Patriots or something.


The demo was really cool but no multiplayer game is ever this coordinated in my experience, so I can't really get excited for it.

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Anyway, my predictions:


  • The Last Guardian for PS4! (Hey, I can dream...) -  :'(
  • More info about Uncharted 4 - Kinda
  • More info about Gravity Rush 2 - :(
  • Possible price cut for PS3 - But I only said "possible"
  • Rime
  • Vita TV North America! - Woo!

*Edit* - Oh, also:



  • Some kind of Mass Effect reveal - I'm counting it
  • More Mirror's Edge info?
  • Dragon Age info, obvs

The rest of my "other" predictions I'm holding out on until more info's come from the show.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Did they?  The only thing exciting to me was Destiny, No Man's Sky, and Vita TV, and only one of those was even kind of unexpected.  For me MS and Sony were about even.  Ubisoft was the most impressive one for me because of that awesome Rainbow Six gameplay.

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Not a great conference, but edges out Xbox in my opinion thanks to the focus on gameplay, plus it's games appeal to me more and it actually had surprises. 

Entwind being out now is cool, I like the whole "here's a new game.... you can buy it now!" E3 has too much "here's a game that comes out the Christmas after this Christmas!".

LittleBigPlanet 3 was a great surprise, looks great.

Project Beast AKA Bloodborne looks fantastic as well. Uncharted looked great, reassuring to see it in 2015.

PS Now coming to Canada is great, and the PS Vita TV.... great great great great!

Far Cry 4 co-op during the campaign (without your friend needing the game) is awesome as well.

No Man's Sky, give it to me now! 

Sorry Sony, I'm not paying full price for a game I bought 12 months ago. 

I never want to hear about Powers again. Jesus fucking Christ.

How about some fucking Vita games? Gravity Rush 2 at least? FFFUUUUU

That new guy sure is no Jack Tretton.

Uncharted was great! 

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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There wont be any more big Vita games. Get used to ports and indies. That's it. We'll be lucky if we get a decent game that was already in production before the Vita completely failed. So in that sense, you might just get your Gravity Rush 2. But thats about it.



Overall, Sony stole it. If not with their exclusives, then by having pretty much every big 3rd party trailer at their show.
I wish TLoU had released tonight or this month at least. I need something good to play.
Im just glad no conference wasted too much time on bullshit gimmicks like they did a few years back when Kinect and Move came out and both MS and Sony spent half their show showing off gimmicky crap no one wanted.

Edited by Strangelove
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I don't know, a lot of time was wasted on fucking Powers. It infuriated me to the point where I will never watch that fucking show out of protest. 

Don't quote me on that.

All they had to say was "we're developing great new shows for PlayStation! Our first production if Powers, you can watch it for free with PlayStation Plus this December. Now, check out this Metal Gear Solid trailer..." OR SOMETHING. That was the Wonderbook moment of this show. 

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This is the first E3 where I feel like no one failed, but at the same time I'm not really wowed by much. There's great stuff, but it all feels like everyone got together to show off their neat trailers. Sony at least announced specific hardware advancements, but again I don't see it as anything incredibly special.


There's more to come and I'm sure floor impressions will make it all more unique, but a lot of it is like seeing a trailer for the sequel of next winter's big movie series. Of course, maybe if I cared for a few more series or developers, it would be very exciting.

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I kind of feel the same way. I think mostly because were at a weird state right now as far as games go. A lot of developers are starting new franchises that could be awesome or complete turds, or/and theyre releasing a 3rd or 4th or in Halo and GTA's case, 5th(and Im not even counting all the side stuff) sequel. I just cant be excited about it as much as say, a 2nd sequel. I love Uncharted and Im sure Uncharted 4 is going to be awesome, but the teaser didnt get me super hyped mostly because all i saw was the graphics. Theyre great. I know nothing else.
The other thing is that were getting a bunch of new developers introducing new games. I personally never know how to feel about stuff like that. I have to play them first. 


The only things that ever get me super excited when it comes to videogame announcements are first sequels or new hardware. Im going to lose my mind whenever they show TLoU2. Thats not to say Im not excited about Uncharted 4. Its pretty much the same with movies. This last X-men movie was fantastic and I liked all the trailers leading up to it and Im eager to see something for the upcoming one, but itll never beat the excitement of me seeing the first X-men 2, Dark Knight or Spiderman 2 trailers. It just doesnt have the same effect.

Once we get some of these new franchises established, E3 will be a lot more exciting. We might be blowing our loads over Destiny 2 or Sunset Overdrive 2 next year for all we know.

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