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E3 2014 Predictions


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Safe bets (What will probably happen):



-Last Guardian PS4 LOL 

-Very little Vita news Wish I was wrong on this one...

-The Last of Us HD "coming this week!!!"

-DS4s in colours other than black White! And blue and camo are now on Amazon!

-Project Beast actually known as Demon Souls 2, PS4 exclusive


3rd Party

-Mass Effect trilogy PS4/Xbone

-Skyrim HD PS4/Xbone




Long shots (what I hope will happen):



-Guerrilla RPG trailer

-Vita TV in North America


3rd Party

Red Dead Redemption 2 (does Rockstar ever introduce things at E3?)



EDIT: Oh and Final Fantasy XV will be a no-show.


Not bad, TCP, not bad.

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Man, Sony kinda dropped the ball. They're the only ones that bored us with unnecessary statistics and media bullshit. At some point I started worrying that it would end without Uncharted.


But still, they wasted 30mins on bullshit and still had the best reveals. Grim Fandango on Vita is going to be soooo good!

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Fallout 4 co-op during the campaign (without your friend needing the game) is awesome as well.

Do you mean Far Cry 4 or was there an announcement I missed? ;)


Also, I haven't eliminated RDR2 yet because Rockstar doesn't do a big conference but it could still be announced on the show floor.

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I wonder why he's wearing Gerudo gauntlets. Otherwise, it has a different vibe if you ask me. That glowing transforming arrow seems more at home in a  random JRPG type setting.


I think Nintendo did good, and like Sony, they personally gave me some "wow" moments. Maybe it's more that I'm surprised that they announced more than they recently have at past E3 conventions. Not to mention that most of it looks promising, but like everyone else its still a bunch of trailers.

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  • Blah blah, Wii U's still good, blah blah
  • Way more focus on 3DS than I care about
  • Probably no Zelda anything - Woohoo!  I was wrong!  And it's got the best Zelda art style yet!
  • Smash Bros

Now all I need is a true 3D Mario and I'll be happy with my Wii U purchase.

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Nintendo expounds on the rumors (unless it's already confirmed) on their attempt at a Skylanders-esque product Amiibo :V


vitality sensor makes a surprise comeback rip vitality sensor ;_;)7 never forget


MS and Sony announce a bunch more GTA/Assassins Creed/Infamous style games Open world sandboxy games are their bread n' butter


Doritos and Gamerfuel. </3


I'm seriously bummed by the lack of Doritos and Gamerfuel.

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  • Blah blah, Wii U's still good, blah blah
  • Way more focus on 3DS than I care about
  • Probably no Zelda anything - Woohoo!  I was wrong!  And it's got the best Zelda art style yet!
  • Smash Bros

Now all I need is a true 3D Mario and I'll be happy with my Wii U purchase.


what was mentioned for 3DS other than Smash Brothers? Or was just that too much... I only finished watching it an hour ago and I can't think of anything else.



Discounting the actual announcements, I much prefer Nintendo's pre-recorded style, it's much snappier and actually enjoyable to watch rather than the others where I just keep thinking "get a move on" but I guess it's not event-y enough for them. Sony's seemed to have a lot of technical problems but the audience seems keener there, but there was still a lot of "pause for applause" without any applause.

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I don't mind if you're being an awful, awful cheat on your predictions, I just thought I'd missed something. That kirby game looked ropey enough to be a 3DS game but was actually Wii U, so I don't know if that was it.

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And since it's over:



  • New Red Dead on next-gen - :(
  • AC: Unity and whatever the last-gen AC is (Comet?) - I predict that these will actually be highly related games, similar to how Splinter Cell: Double Agent had a Gen 6 and Gen 7 version, but they weren't ports, they were actually constructed separately. - I'm not counting this one because nothing was shown about Comet
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