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E3 2014 Predictions


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I don't think Nintendo is willing to spend the resources making highly detailed "realistic" graphics. I know they said the had one of their biggest teams ever working on this and it was only 50 or 60 people. There's indie teams nearly that big!  So for a game that has a lot objects in it like Zelda will I don't think we'll get a realistic looking one again.

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Yeah, I love all the styles they try out on Zelda. I was one of the rare breed that loved wind Waker's cell-shading right off the bat. Strange how everyone seems to love it now - there was a right furore when it was announced.

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I'd love a Twilight Princess style Zelda game (graphically) but if this game is truly one giant open world, Nintendo probably figured the Wii U couldn't handle that AND realistic graphics. This artstyle looks better than Skyward Sword but still not anything like that E3 2011 demo. 

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It doesn't look like that 2011 demo, no, but I prefer it a million times over.  Too many games have bland "realistic" graphics, and for games going for a realistic feel that makes sense, but Zelda is all silly fantasy, the art style should reflect that.


Also, the Wii U is a little more powerful than the PS3 and 360, which played Skyrim more or less okay (a little less for the PS3...).

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