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  • 2 weeks later...



Evolve is a flop.  It was outsold even by Majora's Mask, a handheld exclusive game, and even if these figures are outdated, the developers still haven't announced their own sales numbers to anyone, preferring to use "matches played" statistics to impress people. On top of that, nobody's playing it on steam.





That screen was taken right after release, by the way.  The player count has only gone down since then, so I think it's safe to say this game is going to die an undignified death just like Titanfall did.  Rest in piss, you DLC nightmare.



Edited by Mister Jack
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Ouch. A pity as I like new IP, but I think this is a case where the pitch just wasn't right. Would possibly have been more successful as an episodic sort of release at a lower price. Buy 1 monster and 4 hunters at a time for $20, release an ex pack every month or whatever. That way people would see different hunters and monsters and want to expand their collection. Rather than paying full price for a game then having a bunch of extra content waved at you.


All in the delivery.

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If I lived in a fantasy world where I got to call the shots regarding how this game ended up, I would have done the following:


- Make it free to play.  If that's absolutely not possible then for crying out loud don't charge 60 dollars for it.  Assuming my hypothetical version of Evolve has the same amount of content as the real one at launch, there is no excuse for that.  If you're going to charge full price, you'd better be putting out a full game.


- Weapon and character skins would be free.  They wouldn't just be put out as free DLC, though.  They'd be like the items in TF2, something you work toward either with challenges or in-game currency.  That would give the playerbase a reason to keep at the game after the initial novelty has worn off.  The more customization options, the better.  If there must be a cash shop, make it a secondary way to get new skins, not the only option. Even this kinda rubs me the wrong way but it's an area where I'm willing to compromise.


- Maps would still be free.  This is the one thing they did right.


- Monsters should cost 8 dollars maximum.  That's the standard price for a DLC character in fighting games, and since they keep using that price I can only assume it works well enough for most people.  Hunters can be bought a la carte for 5 dollars each or you can get a four-pack of all four new hunters for 15 dollars.  I'm not totally married to those prices, but I think they'd be an improvement.


Now would all this make the game successful?  Perhaps not, but surely it sounds better than what they actually did?

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^Holy shit how would they even make any money off of that? You're basically giving away the entire game for free. If anything cosmetics are the one thing that should be monetized considering they're completely fucking unnecessary. Pretty sad that FUD can kill quality games so easily. People are upset about DLC that isn't even out yet and somehow extrapolated that to the entire game being shit.  I will firmly stand by the belief that if your issue is the DLC, you actually haven't taken a close look at the content of the game, and it's 12 hunters and 3 monsters for $60 that should have been the complaint the whole time.

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I truly wonder what consumer research underlies the business plans for games like Evolve and Titanfall. it seems incredibly risky to make a game not based on a currently-successful IP whose entertainment value directly correlates with the size and dedication of its user base and then charge $60 for it.

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I enjoyed SP in Destiny, but beyond that there's a lot of PvE stuff that you can do with a fireteam of 3 that wouldn't require big server populations to work.


*Edit* - That said, it seems like Destiny is already losing steam too.


*Edit 2* - They also didn't try to nickel and dime with a bunch of launch DLC like Evolve.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Surely you agree that there is no way in hell Destiny would have been as popular as it was if it didn't have Bungie's name behind it.


Also, let's not forget that they FUCKING LIED about what would be in the game.  Remember those story scenes that ended up never even being there?


That aside, Destiny is a different kind of game from Titanfall and Evolve.  The latter games are about multiplayer matches.  Destiny is a wannabe-MMO.  Not a very good one, mind you, but a person could theoretically play it by themselves if they wanted to.  

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  • 1 year later...

Well, that's a surprising turn of events, though I've seen the Jimquisition video explaining how's the transition going for long-time players and, well, sucks for them.


I've tried out the game today. It's okay, I guess. I don't know since I don't have a lot of experience with multiplayer shooters, let alone asymmetrical ones. But this one kept me going and I think I'll stick around for a while, see how things will turn out when the beta is over. They'll probably pull up some paywalls later on, that's for sure.

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