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I wish there was a respec item in Bloodborne. I found the Evelyn and thought it was the better Hunter Pistol, but really its S scaling only makes it the better firearm if you go 20+ in Bloodtinge. The Hunter's Pistol, with B scaling, will get you better raw damage if your Bloodtinge is below 20.


I could post my stats later, but I feel maybe I could have put some of that Bloodtinge in Vit and Skill. Thing is I've already hit the soft cap on those, and I don't put much into Stamina because I use a rune to increase it by 15%. Only stats that get affected by it are Slow and Rapid Poison. Not many times you'll be faced with those, and Antidote isn't hard to come by once you get mid-game.

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Nice! \m/ \m/ :P


If you talked to her near the sewers, she should be outside the area with the Cathedral Ward lamp, go through the door that's directly ahead of where you spawn and look for her near the railing to your left, I think you need to open both gates to/from the Grand Cathedral in order for her to show up.


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I forgot to visit Arianna before confronting the final boss, but I already had what was required of the "condition."



I'll make this quick. Gehrman was the toughest part of the two-part secret final boss. I died to him five times and had to finish him off with some bullets and two slashes. Moon Presence isn't really that tough, but its gimmicks can royally screw you over. So my first try I only had 7 Blood Vials and had a third of its health left when it killed me. Second time I beat the final boss and got the Gold Trophy. I started with a full inventory of Blood Vials and almost went through my whole set after all my attempts.



I'll play around in NG+, but I don't expect to so much further. I'll definitely jump back in when there's DLC.

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Nice! \m/ \m/ :P


If you talked to her near the sewers, she should be outside the area with the Cathedral Ward lamp, go through the door that's directly ahead of where you spawn and look for her near the railing to your left, I think you need to open both gates to/from the Grand Cathedral in order for her to show up.



The gate thing might be what I was missing. Will try again this evening.

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Left of cathedral is great.


If you don't find her fighting Henryk, you miss out on that entire bit, then



She appears later in the Grand Cathedral and tries to kill you for become too beasty



That's what happened to me on my first playthrough. On my second I found her earlier and helped her with H.


I forgot to visit Arianna before confronting the final boss, but I already had what was required of the "condition."



I'll make this quick. Gehrman was the toughest part of the two-part secret final boss.



Really weird that you say that. I didn't get the secret boss you mention because I only met one part of the condition – but I beat the final boss in one try. Didn't die once. Just parried a lot, blunderbusses a lot, then when he started flipping out I whaled on him with Ludvig's. Wasn't hard at all – I was actually really disappointed.


Same went for the couple of bosses leading up to him. The boss that gave me most trouble in the entire game was probably Gascoigne. Maybe Blood-starved Beast.


Also, I'm on my second playthrough to try and see everything, but is the end-game condition

to have the three umbilical cords? I got one from... someone. Can't remember who. Maybe Amygdala? But I never found the second or third.. We get one from "Iosefka", right?


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Yeah, I'm on track for her quest.



Cleric Beast was hard (but mostly down to learning curve with a new game). Amelia has been toughest for me so far. Papa G was relatively easy, did you have the Music Box?



As for the three special items... 

I found one in the real world hunters dream (old abandoned workshop).



P.S. You didn't close your spoiler tags. OMG dramaaaaaagh!

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I'm currently watching spoiler vids up to where I have played. (To make sure I haven't missed things). I am really, irrationally annoyed at the number of people who cannot pronounce "Gascoigne".


Tell all whom you meet. It is "Gas" then "Coin". Gascoin, Gascoigne. Like a coin, made of gas. Gas. Flipping. Coin.


Not Gas Cone, Gas Con, Gas Kony, Gas Kanye, or any of the other variations that I'm hearing.

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Yes, who the hell doesn't say Gas Coin.


I would also forgive 'Gaza', though.


Yeah, I'm on track for her quest.



Cleric Beast was hard (but mostly down to learning curve with a new game). Amelia has been toughest for me so far. Papa G was relatively easy, did you have the Music Box?



As for the three special items... 

I found one in the real world hunters dream (old abandoned workshop).



P.S. You didn't close your spoiler tags. OMG dramaaaaaagh!


I've never been to that location! In the end you spoiled me!


I had that item when I first fought him, but didn't want to use it. Wanted to do it au naturelle. It wasn't easy.


On my second playthrough I used it then whaled on him. Was awesome and so easy

I closed them.

Holy shit, sorry chiefs.

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About the condition for the final boss, two of the four possible pieces are simple to get whereas the other half require certain steps. If you want the gist of it...




As I was mentioning about Arianna, she is the prostitute that is an NPC you can send off to a shelter. You want her alive, so obviously take her to Odeon Chapel. As long as you keep her alive she will eventually offer up a One Third of Umbilical Cord near the very end of the game. Like don't go to the final boss yet and go find her!


To keep her alive, don't send the beggar/cannibal from the Forbidden Woods to the chapel and make sure to receive blood from the church lady last rather than from Arianna. Church lady will always go loopy, but can become jealous of Arianna if you received blood from Arianna last.


Only other piece is from the Iosefka impostor who can be killed after defeating Rom. If you kill her before Rom, no Umbilical Cord for you. This one is easier to maintain than Arianna because you really only have to find her at a specific time of the game. There are a few other ways of getting Arianna's rather than the chapel method, but the chapel is more beneficial.



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That is so much easier than I imagined!


Just beat DB Paarl. Shit was fun as anything.


This game...


Although I entered an agreement with the guy on the top of the tower, then killed a couple of beasts who cornered me, now he's raging at me again. Did I just lock out another side quest by aggravating him again?

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No because all you really get from him is a gesture if you talk friendly, which it seems you did. Many people opt to straight up kill him because of how easy it is to aggro him. Killing him or befriending him will get you his badge. If I get to him in NG+, I'll go for the friend route since I missed the gesture. You can still friend him so long as you enter from the Darkbeast entrance with the proper attire.

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When you talk to him you get asked if you will spare or hunt the beasts in that area, if you spare them you'll get to talk to him, problem is, as soon as you attack anything he'll become hostile again, and you'll have to kill him. I talked to him, got the stuff I wanted, then killed him, saved me some trouble. :P


Also, your outfit doesn't matter, as long as you arrive through the Darkbeast path he won't attack you. :P

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I had some people saying it had to be church set attire, though I know I've heard it was just to enter from that path. The only person I know of for certain that requires specific clothing is when you find the church gal in Hypogean Gaol. Already had the chest piece on, but had to put on the rest before she talked to me.

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Yeah, I found the Witch surprisingly easy.


Did it with a buddy coop and it was actually much more difficult with two people, haha. I suppose you're dividing your attention more – you just need to focus on her and whale on her to win, only getting rid of witch-goons if they're really in your way.


Regarding the Turret Guy, I definitely wasn't wearing any Church attire and he spoke to me. I had to choose 'spare the beasts' indeed to get his stuff.


Edit: also my PS4-playing buddy said he went back to play Dark Souls after doing Bloodborne. He said it was incredible - even better coming off BB, they really complement each other apparently.


Plus all his aggressive style skills from BB have ostensibly made Dark Souls even easier. Super-light loadout, two handed weapons only, focus on dodging and attacking = a really solid Souls style. I look forward to going back to finish Souls now, using my BB techniques. I always turtled too much in those games. Wanted to be safe.


Pah! Safety.

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