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Uncharted 4: A Thief's Thiefing Thief


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All the thieves in Uncharted titles.


I'm surprised there isn't a topic on this yet; but if there is one which I couldn't find just slap me on the wrist or the face and send me cowering back into the corner.


I found the E3 trailer for U4:ATE very uninspiring. Disappointing, even. Sure, so those are in-game graphics, that's amazing. But let's look back at Uncharted 2, where we got a full 5 minutes incredible gameplay trailer. We basically got a second teaser from U4 instead of a proper trailer.


However, a statement the other day from Corinne Yu got me a little excited again. She said she reckons U4 will push that game/ art theory question into new territory and make a good statement on it. I'm hoping this means it's going to go to much more clever places than U1 or 3.


I'm hoping this means we've got a gameplay-infused narrative which can stand up to TLoU's throne.


Thots? Penny for yer thots?

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Whenever I hear people working on a videogame throw around the words 'art' and 'narrative' I find it hard to take them seriously. Even the best video game stories struggle to rise above the level of an average schlocky TV show; and whilst they've got to focus on people actually playing the game, I don't think that's likely to change.


Truth be told, whilst I enjoyed Uncharted 1/2, I think it's quality was a little overblown by a public who's desperate to have something they can push into the mainstream as an example of how grown up and sophisticated video games have become.


It'll probably be another Uncharted game. We'll run around, gunning down countless bad guys and supernatural....things, enjoy Drake being Drake and probably get frustrated at the number of murder rooms we have to fight through.

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Yeah well said. Basically I wouldn't be taking her words seriously at all if The Last of Us hadn't been an absolute masterpiece. That's the only reason I was remotely affected by what she said. Plenty of games have aimed for more and totally flopped it, as you say.


If ever a game was a work of art, it was that one, though. TLoU. Story, narrative and artistic merit as good as Of Mice And Men imo.


So the only reason her statement got me excited was because clearly they're tryin to up their game after TLoU. Which means it might just be worth taking seriously. The fact that Druckmann and Straley are helming it, too... Whooh boy.


Even if it's "just another Uncharted" though, I'm fine with that.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Even if it's "just another Uncharted" though, I'm fine with that.


This pretty much sums it up for me.  You guys know I'm a huge, huge, huge Uncharted fan, so I'm going to love it regardless.  Even thought the third installment wasn't it's strongest, I still very much enjoyed the "narrative" some of you hate to have to hear about.  In fact, it's what drew me in the first time.  Naughty Dog knows what they're doing and they're good at it, too.  However, this is my opinion, so I'm not going to expect anyone to agree with me.  Regardless of how many people Drake has to shoot his way through to get to, there is much more to the video game that has captured my heart.  I know they didn't show us much at this E3, but I went a little nuts just hearing Nolan North's voice and hearing Richard McGonagle as Sully.  They're two characters I have fallen in love with, and I want more of that duo, of those subtle nuances, the way they bicker back and forth and joke with each other.  I also enjoyed seeing how the graphics (albeit a cut scene) have improved vastly, and I look forward to seeing more about what the story will actually be about.  This is just what I'm excited for, because I have enjoyed the last three games and because I trust Naughty Dog to put out some quality material.


I'm not going to say it's perfect, though.  There's always a chance it could bomb or my expectations could be ruined.  I don't know yet and I will reserve my judgement for when I put the game in my PS4.  But for now, I'm just happy we're getting another game and it doesn't feel as played as some of the other series.  There's still a spark left to it for me.

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Okay, I'm not that much of a fan, but I'm on the same boat: more Uncharted is good enough for me.  With these games I tend to enjoy pretty much everything but the actual shooty bits, the encounters just don't seem to be designed well and Naught Dog has an extreme over-reliance on bullet sponges.  Honestly, the best combat in an Uncharted game imo was the Vita one... Golden Compass or whatever.

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nothing is important in the grand scheme of things. I guess in regards to the uncharted series we won't know until the fourth one is out. But weren't the first three supposed to be a trilogy and with four being the first one on a new console too I will imagine it would be ok to skip three. Having said that there may be the possibility of a rerelease of the first three in an upscaled collection?

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Drake decides to give up on his adventuring ways and go off with Elana happily ever after (after destroying an ancient city, of course)


Hence the push for this being "he's back".


Other than that there's not really any interconnecting story between them, other than knowing the various characters.


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Yeah, also considering Neil and Bruce are doing this game, and they did UC2, I'd imagine, if anything, this would be more of a UC2 sequel than a UC3 sequel. But none of the games really rely on the plots from the previous games. Besides what Dean mentioned probably the most important part of UC3 was giving clarity to Drake and Sully's relationship.

If there's not PS4 versions in the works, you can bet these will be on PSNow, and assuming the prices aren't completely out of wack and the lag isn't awful, you could probably stream these games not half bad.

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Well, remember UC3 does have back story as to how Drake and Sully met, as well as why he carries around the ring and who wants it, yadda yadda.  It kind of dips into his childhood even more by talking about how he ended up where he did, so if that's something important to you then you probably need to at least watch videos of the third installment.  Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you skip UC3 or not.

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