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The Legend of Korra


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Well according to the creators what's really going on is that Korra's numbers have always been way better streaming than they have on TV, so they're just moving it over to where its strength is.  They're still doing season 4 too.

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I bought it before reviews simply because this is going to be the Legend of Korra game. Sure, there's the 3DS game too, but given how little we've ever received outside of just a television show, I wanted it regardless of whether it would be mediocre or excellent.


For a $15 digital-only licensed television show video game, it's good. If this was suppose to pass as a full retail game, I'd be pissed. It obviously didn't have that much work put into it, but it pays good fanservice throughout the game through collectibles and remarks from Korra as you progress through a level. If you like action games with a bit of Platinum Games flair, this is what you'll get in Legend of Korra.


I haven't finished the whole Story Mode yet, but it'll essentially be you as Korra and you'll occasionally be visited by Jinora. The story actually started out fine, but I imagine (looking at the trophy list) that I'm halfway through and not much else happens besides "mystery villain is doing something." If I had to make a parallel, it reminds me of those anime franchise movies where the main character will have a certain power/skill, but it would mean the current story arc and villain would be on break so said main character could even fight with the same power/skill.


Arbitrary Number Score: 7/10 Cabbages


Honestly, if it didn't have some of the little things it did, I'd go lower to about a 6/10. Of interest, it personally felt like I was playing a classic licensed title. You know, you'll collect items and currency alongside decent visuals. It's better than those, but it still gave me the same vibe. I also haven't unlocked Pro Bending Mode yet, but chances are it's decent with a few quirks.


EDIT: If you want a review, Destructoid nailed it, IMO.



Edited by Atomsk88
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