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Your GOTY so far...3rd Annual Ultra Super 2014 Special Collector's Remix HD Edition!


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You know how we do this.


I honestly haven't played many games this year at all.

inFamous SS is really the only one close to GOTY and the rest of the year doesnt seem so great either. MGS5GZ was rad but too fucking short. I have a feeling Id really like the new Wolfenstein, but I havent played it yet.


Maybe Destiny or Dragon Age Inquisition if Bioware gets their shit together.

Hopefully Assassin's Creed Unity is good too.

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Ground Zeros would be but as you've said, its too short. Phantom Pain will steal its year however. With that said, nothing really springs to mind since I haven't really played much games so this year games are quite sparse.


I suppose I can shoot in Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition for PC. Only real thing it is missing is online multiplayer. Absolutely shameful that they didn't put that in but besides that, it is indeed the best DW since 3/4.

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I suppose I can shoot in Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition for PC. Only real thing it is missing is online multiplayer. Absolutely shameful that they didn't put that in but besides that, it is indeed the best DW since 3/4.


Damn. This comment simultaneously reinforced and made me regret passing on the Steam sale. I've been meaning to get back into the series with an online game (I know there has been at least one already, but the titles have been confusing me for a few years now, and I'm not sure if any others do too), which is why I passed. That recommendation is hard to ignore though... I might have to jump on it next time it gets cheap. 


As far as GOTY, I have to review what I've played and get back to this... I feel like it's been a weakish year.

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Of the 14 games I've beat this year, 7 also released this year.  That's if you include Burial at Sea and Cold, Cold Heart as games.


Full list:



South Park: The Stick of Truth

Infamous: Second Son

Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea


Batman: Arkham Origins: Cold, Cold Heart

Watch Dogs


I would actually recommend all of those games, but Infamous wins my GOTY-so-far hands down.

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Does Revengeance PC version count since it came out this year? If so, definitely that. I just can't stop playing it. I'm somehow loving it even more than when I first played it on PS3. I mean, it's a 6 hours game yet I just hit 30 hours of playtime according to Steam.


Otherwise, Dark Souls II wins by default, I suppose. Although, Transistor was pretty damn amazing too. I'm actually not sure which one I liked the most.

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  • 3 weeks later...

'Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete' on PS Vita... no competition.


I got DW8 for PS3 but later got this version for Vita and have sunk more than 50 hours into it. Easily the best game of this year for me; sadly though it lacks competition. This year has been barren when it comes to new releases. 'Bravely Default' was certainly a great game, probably my second pick but that's it really.


Everything else I've been playing is an earlier release. 'Super Mario 3D World' would count but it released right at the end of last year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, I was hoping I'd see a game on here that I agreed was the best (can't think of anything spectacular that I played from this year). I looked through all of the games released this year and I guess I have to say Bioshock: Infinite: Burial at Sea for AAA and Betrayer for indie. Between the two probably Betrayer but I think I can have one for each...cuz I want to and the two game types feel like separate forms of media to me. Like the way tv and film are very similar, but we keep them staunchly separated when judging artistic merit

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So, as I suspected might happen, Firefly Online got pushed back to next year (but for unexpected great reasons).


Like last year on the PXOD site picks, my GOTY so far is likely to be of the tabletop variety.


At the moment there's:

- Dead of Winter

- Heroes Wanted

- A Study In Emerald (2013 release though)


Dead of Winter is a really solid game. Lots of elements of roleplaying but backed up by easy-to-grasp and solid mechanics.


Heroes Wanted is a very smart hex-combat game involving hand management instead of dice rolls, and with a great z-list superhero theme. Best part might be combining separate halves to create the heroes and the villain which determines passive abilities, character type and superpower.

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