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Underrated & Overlooked


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It's well known, but me and a buddy been playing through Dead Space 3. It's a fucking brilliant space adventure with decent writing. Yes the horror is all but gone- which is why it got such a bad rap- but we knew this was going to happen after Resi 5/6 and the way DeSpa 2 was going.


I also agree with Hots on Spider-man: Web Of Shadows. It's just fucking great. So fun. Iffy around the edges, but so worth it for the great mechanics.


The boss battles are genuinely thrilling for the most part and you do proper superhero stuff in them. Like against the Green Goblin, dodging his shots on the side of a skyscraper, chasing him up it, leaping off the top and diving down to follow him in between tall tenements, weaving around his minions and nailing him... Superfast and really precise if you get skilled enough at it.


Also i heard tons of stuff about how great Enslaved was and how underrated it was, then i played it and... It's kinda good i guess. It's just really solid. Combat's not amazing. Story's okay, bit iffy at the end. I heard all sorts of Uncharted-rival chat and it so doesn't measure up.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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  On 8/3/2014 at 1:12 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

It wasn't even trying to be Uncharted.

  On 8/3/2014 at 2:59 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

People want to compare anything with a climbing mechanic to Uncharted.

The game deffo wasnt trying to be Uncharted. The comparisons were made by multiple randoms i saw online. I think they jumped to that based on the colour scheme and swashbuckley adventure vibe , not that it's even that particularly. I just didnt think it was that great. Especially the combat.

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The climbing/parkour/platforming/whatever-you-want-to-call-it in Enslaved was somehow even more automated than Uncharted/Assassin's Creed ever was. There was absolutely no illusion that you ever had any real control outside of combat. And the combat wasn't great either. Very simplistic.

People like to talk shit about God Of War compared to DmC or Ninja Gaiden, but Enslaved has even more simplistic easy tps combat than GoW.

Enslaved basically took parts of better games that gamers criticized for being too simple and somehow made them even simpler.

Heavenly Sword has the same problem. It's a lot like Heavy Rain or Beyond in that the gameplay part isn't the focus, its more about the experience...except there are no choices like in Quantic Dream games. Just a linear path.

Honestly, DmC is the first "real" game Ninja Theory has made. And it wasn't that great either.


The fucked up part of it is that they really REALLY want to make a good mechanical action game, but they can't. I enjoyed Enslaved the most out of all their games and that had nothing to do with their gameplay. Maybe they should drop the action game charade and just go full blown Telltale/Quantic Dream.

Edited by Strangelove
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There was this game Folklore, early in the life of the PS3. I thought it had the best use of sixaxis in any game, ever. I had fun twisting it around pulling souls. But nobody ever talks about that game, or the sixaxis controls on it.

Edited by Agent 1011
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