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Most Anticipated Game.


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Many feel that Retro Studios made a proper transition into the 3D landscape for the Metroid series where exploration was the primary goal with interesting combat being an excellent positive rather than focus. It's one of those game trilogies where you could easily define it as atmospheric because of the focus on world exploration with varying environments and creatures that suit said environment.


The first Prime always appeared to be the favorite of the bunch if we looked at the trilogy. On the other two, Echoes isn't always looked upon fondly depending on certain criticism, whereas Corruption seemed to sacrifice a bit of exploration for more combat, but had some interesting additions (like vocal dialogue).

Edited by Atomsk88
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Fair enough. To be fair, I'll never find Metroid Prime appealing because it's first person. First person games give me motion sickness so I can only play for maybe an hour before feeling ill... with exploration as a primary goal, I'll be lost entirely.

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Mario Maker doesn't seem like a very flexible system (compared to Little Big Planet) from what little I've seen of it, so it will be interesting to see what sort of levels people come up with. That would put me off buying it straight off the bat. I would be interested if it's a £10 download (£15 if they do one of their offers with it) but if they try and package it as a £40 retail offering I will not be impressed.


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker looks like the sort of game I'd love. Apparently there were similar bits in Super Mario 3D World, but I haven't played that - can anyone who has tell me if I should be excited?

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When Super Mario 3D World was the new hot Nintendo title, people were raving about the Captain Toad missions to where they thought Nintendo should make Captain Toad its own game. Nintendo listened and I think that's what has people excited, though truthfully I'm a little interested too. I saw some showroom footage of the lava dragon boss and it looks challenging given that Captain Toad doesn't jump.

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  On 7/8/2014 at 7:36 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

The Captain Toad stuff was a neat little mini game, but I really hope they don't try to package it as a full retail release.


Hater [/jokes...]


Nah, I totally forgot about that game. I wouldn't mind it being a retail title, provided its padded out. Truth be told I'm a little surprised it's not a 3DS game. 

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