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Hey guys, I'm Kyle. Also known as Acid.


I'm 21, still living at home (That's soon to change.), and I'm currently studying Secondary Math Education with a minor in Phys. Ed.


I play predominantly on the 360, but I've got quite a few games that I play here on my Macbook Pro. (Don't judge me.)

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I'm Ethan. I think most of the people who are going to be on here for the near future probably already know me. I'm one of your friendly neighborhood admins.


As far as games go, I like basically all sorts except for fighting games, though I tend to focus mostly on Action-Adventures and WRPGs.

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Yo. I'm Swordfyre (also known as JD, but just call me Swordfyre). You may know me from the Kotakuites Chat, TF2 server and Minecraft server. I'm the guy who was permabanned by Ashcraft on Kotaku like 4 months ago for no reason.


I'm predominately a PC gamer, although occasionally I'll play New Vegas on the Xbox 360, because for some reason the mouse control in Bethesda games just bug the hell out of me.

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My name's Koss, I'm 21 and from Austrailia, and currently living in the UK right now. I play games almost exclusively on the PC, and I work with Gaming PCs too. I only have consoles for Final Fantasy really. Buying a PS3 just for FF13 made me feel dirty...


I have an unhealthy addiction with Francis from L4D, Matt Bellamy, and Final Fantasy.

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