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Evenin' boys,


My name's Alex, though most acquaintences call me Shed, and my general account name is Kenshi_Ryden.


I mostly play 360, though I also play a lot of PS3 and PC (my flatmate's fairly powerful laptop).


I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland, and I'm at Uni there studying English Language and Literature. Games are my real passion.


I've been on Kotaku for a good while now, a couple of years, and only within the last week or two have I become aware of these fine forums. Then after joining, I managed to miss the move to these new spanky premises. Woe.

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how do i go about educating you..well i suppose the okay 'pilot' short will do, here you go




i can't really show you the show proper because you need to download it and shit but you can awatch full episodes on cartoon network dot com


edit sorry about video quality but i wanted to make this post as quickly as possible

Edited by brida
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Brofist Brida! Yeah it seriously is possibly my favourite TV show- and this is from someone who loves adult junk like the Sopranos and The Wire and Mad Men.


One of those kids shows which are funny and enjoyable for all ages, but suddenly out of nowhere there will be a totally goddamn sick adult moment that make all the adults in the room laugh, and all the kid's heads whip around and they ask why adults are laughing, who can't answer because it's a subtle adult joke.


The escapades of Finn the 12 year old Dungeons and Dragons style adventurer, and Jake the 28 year old dog with the magic yellow coat (voiced by the same guy who does Bender) never cease to amaze and thrill.


Anyway, off topic. It's nice to meet everyone anyway!

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  On 12/27/2010 at 9:16 PM, Mister Jack said:

You'd never suspect that the one with the most points that you only get for posting in the gaming forum would be Hatch of all people. :P



Edit: Oh wait, now it's me. Ahahaha! :lol:

fwiw like four people just gave me all their points

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Nice new forums!


I used to be mirroroflyss on the old forum, didn't post a lot for a couple of months but I missed you all so much, I decided to poke around this new and shiny site and see what you're up to. I also used the opportunity to get a shorter name for this account (though I was tempted to go for mirrorfloss.)


So yeah... hi!

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