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You referreth to a creature so foul... so cruel... that no man yet has fought with and LIVED. Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair. In good conscience, I cannot guide you, brave sir.


but... If you must know, set course for Antioch, knight of valour! Here you will find a way...

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If anyone has any requests, in 90 days I can do either one of the following:










-French (although I already did that)

-British (although I don't think I can top MP in terms of britishness..)


Well.. maybe if I use this guy...


..cuz I do a mean.. that guy. yeah.








(keep your pants on dean, just taking the piss)

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Gah! You're right. I always mess that up. This is what's in my head


England = scotland, wales, ireland's hat, and the country with the guys with the fancy hats.

Britannia = just the guys with the fancy hats

UK = well I don't know.

Great Brittain = fancy hat-land plus Wales


I know it's wrong, it's a recurring mistake I make. Same with hypothesis/theory/theorem. If questioned I know it perfectly, but when it's in the middle of an unprovoked explanation I always mess it up.


Acute-term-dislexia-but-not-really-dislexia-just-some-kind-of-brainfart-thing, I believe is the medical term for it


I think silly things sometimes..

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I'm Brain, an attorney out of work, going back into the ad business after a while out of it, and I live in Seattle. I play most of my games on the PC, and I used to play most on my PS3, which I still hop on pretty often for Resistance 2, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, and occasionally MAG. I also play Rift.

Das me.


Edit: Outdated info, changed for modern times!

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