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Hello all!


I'm Raine.. right now I'm enjoying life as a student. I live in the Netherlands.

I always lurked around Kotaku and loved the community, but never commented. This forum might just change that.

So yeah, new to the party!



I dunno why but I like having more Europeans here.

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Woo, new blood!


Also, is that fucking Iron Man? High-five if Yes!



I was playing around with sumi style painting and I just watched Iron Man, that was the end result. I still feel weird about the sword though. Still have a ways to go with my painting though.


I missed this before but: Double high-five for having made it yourself!

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BTW, who is slithy troves? I thought she posted in this thread but can't find it. I'm trying to find out if she's someone we should know.


i'm slithy toves and i'm me. you may know me from kotaku (or other sites) where i have the same name / avatar. i'm new to the forums if that is where you think you may know me from.


Ah, okay. I don't know, you just seemed to fit in so easily (TWSS). Welcome to the forums!

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