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hello my name is dragonite i am a gay man age 37, i like activities and dislike hobbies. i collect buddhist prayer flags and vintage arcade cabinets just for the smell of the dust on the components when they heat up. i like starting lots of topics and having heated arguments about subjects i have a high emotional response to but very little concrete knowledge about ... sometimes when i like to think about how the exact same argument must be happening in a thousand different forums all over the internet at exactly the same time. it makes me feel sad but at the same time strangely comforted.


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Hi. My name's Kanji (on the internet) and I'm the offspring of those popular kids you hated in highschool but then laughed at when they got knocked up before finishing college and then moved to the ghetto cuz they were poor and their son grew up to be a huge nerd. Nice to meet all of you.

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