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I'm Muttmutt, 27. I'm a writer and animator specializing in after effects.





Oh cool, you're a digital effects student. If you have any questions with AE just ask. I mostly did digitized sequences and computer interfaces for a film being made here. I also have done character animation sequences.

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@drag: I tried just looking around on my original file, but I got bored after only a few hours. Thought it'd be more interesting to play the game again. Though now that I have the DLC, I have to beat Professor K if I want 1100/1100 GS. The first and only time I tried to fight him, I was ~lv 85. Took me 2 hours and I got him to under 5K HP twice before the game crashed. The camera kept rotating around the fight with no commands showing up. It was 6am and I was too tired to be angry. Took a video of it though.


@Pheer: I want to. I liked the demo, so I'll probably buy it in a few days when x-mas break starts.

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Welcome Shinta. Enjoy your stay. Take your shoes off, stay a while



@Pheer: I want to. I liked the demo, so I'll probably buy it in a few days when x-mas break starts.


Please do. We have a really cool and good group and we are always looking for more. BTW what classes did you like to play?

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Please do. We have a really cool and good group and we are always looking for more. BTW what classes did you like to play?


I think I stuck with soldier/assault/whatever it's called since it was a demo. But it's usually different in every game. I usually play/ed Heavy in TF2, spy in Conker Live, and I favor midrange rifles in FPS (Battle Rifle in Halo, etc.). I think in the beginning it will really depend on what class is needed the most for the team.

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Hey there!


I be Jimmeh, was over on the free forum for a couple of days, and just saw the link for this place over on #Speakup, so thought I'd make an appearance here now :)


As for a little bit more about me, I'm from the North-West of England, mostly play solo games on the 360, and am also an anime fan. Been gaming since I was old enough to move a joystick, starting with the classic Atari 2600 and 5200 and then moving onto the Sega Master System and Mega Drive :D Though I did also have a NES and SNES, but mostly stuck to the Sega consoles.

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I'm Muttmutt, 27. I'm a writer and animator specializing in after effects.

Nice...I'm the production coordinator for an internet startup. I work with Final Cut Studio and Adobe Creative Suite, but I can't say I'm specialized for any specific program. Jack of all trades, master of none, etc.

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Right now we just webcast the boxing events going on at local casino, but we're supposed to be covering more and more events that are coming here (MMA, concerts, etc.). We were also doing daily sports news shows for a few months but we lost sponsorship because the shows were awful. Crap equipment, no licensed footage, yeah it was p miserable.

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I'm Muttmutt, 27. I'm a writer and animator specializing in after effects.

Nice...I'm the production coordinator for an internet startup. I work with Final Cut Studio and Adobe Creative Suite, but I can't say I'm specialized for any specific program. Jack of all trades, master of none, etc.


Sweet. I haven't played with CS outside of PS and AE. Haven't had the chance to try final cut, although I have dabbled in video editing. I'm a bit curious to know what your startup is about as well, if you don't mind my asking.

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Right now we just webcast the boxing events going on at local casino, but we're supposed to be covering more and more events that are coming here (MMA, concerts, etc.). We were also doing daily sports news shows for a few months but we lost sponsorship because the shows were awful. Crap equipment, no licensed footage, yeah it was p miserable.


lol.. your job sounds eerily similar to mine.


Webcasting Arena Football for the past 3 years, and any other grubby events we can get our hands on.

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