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  • 2 months later...

I had to look that up! Thanks for making me a little more educated, because I sure needed it.


Since I'm a noob, I have to ask a couple questions... how active is this forum? And is the actual forum always so slow when trying to go places? I'm not being critical, I'm genuinely asking.

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Forum activity fluctuates. It's mostly dead on weekends, but busy during the weekdays, mostly during the day. Im guessing when people are at work.

The speed also fluctuates. Sometimes itll be good, others itll be slow enough that it's not worth posting here. Or the website just doesnt work. Its good for the most part though.

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Yeah, sorry on the website speed. It's something of an issue the last few months, but I'm a one man admin team with next to zilch web dev team, mostly tinkering away speeding things back up again in random snippets of spare time I have. It has been a bit bad this past weekend mind.


Anywho, welcome.

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