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Cool, welcome to the forum. What kind of games do you play?


Welcome!  Have a look around, join in some discussions.  We don't bite!

I love strategy rpg's and/ turn based strategy games. But recently I have getting into competitive games like League of Legends, Counter Strike and games of the like. But thanks for the welcome guyses

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You don't scare us Cowboy, *spits into spitoon*. We have plumbers... who plumb! 

And Joe SixPacks!



We can see Russia from here, you betcha.




What were we talking about again?


Oh. Welcome Lelouch...Does that name me Lol ouch...


Like BAHAHAHAHA!.....ouch...I'm sorry I laughed.



Or...Le Louch...as in...someone named louch. And he has a The...because he's the only one.



-uses google-




Well....welcome Mr. 


Edited by Vecha
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Whats going on guys! i am Jordan also known as Jordinaa i am 17 starting college in the spring. I've been looking for a community to join and meet new people to play games with! I play all consoles and a lot of PC lately and i have recently started my own stream. 

Edited by Jordinaa
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