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Yakshemash! I'm mikhail from the glorious nation of kaza... Actually I'm from poland, but with my accent people tend to mistake me for borat and I find that quite amusing.


I got here by typing "best gaming forum" in google and stumbling upon a reddit thread in which this website was on top of the list. Three things that I love in life include self-indulgence, video games and writing, although I work as a copywriter and I absolutely despise this job. I tend to talk too much and people often feel offended by my observations, though I have no clue why. This is my first english language forum so I hope that I won't prove any polish stereotypes to be true and fit right in.



When it comes to gaming I play whatever grabs my interest. Currently my favourie activity is playing repetitive games while listening to various podcasts. By repetitive games I mean anything that's focused on gameplay rather than story (examples include: diablo 3 and other H'n'S games, X series, various MMOs, sandbox shooters and so forth). Right now my favourite podcast is Laser Time.

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Salutations, I am Alex, also known as Lanzkip on the internet. I am a big fan of games, especially pc and Nintendo consoles (although my computer kinda melted last month), I have my history of hanging around gaming forums, and only last week did i leave a minecraft forum for being too bored with that game, and having to deal with a somewhat immature community made up of 10 year olds. I am now here in some sort of investigation, since i did not leave that other community alone, I actually have a couple of friend that are also looking for a new community that stuck with me using skype.


As to who I really am, I'm a rather extravagant pokemon fanatic (bet u can't guess who's my favorite pokemon), but I also like all sorts of other games, I'm currently studying in Special Care Counseling, and I'm canadian.


So yeah, I'll just check theses forums and I hope we'll get along~

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Welcome!  You came at Halloween time, so no one has their real user names up, but that's okay.


Unfortunately, we all act like 10 year olds here.  Just look at Ethan's avatar.  He's giving me a finger.  I'd feel insulted if I had any feelings.  And look at my avatar.  I drank too much at OctoberFest with my bros/homies/squash.  We are a sad, sad group of people.

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Welcome!  You came at Halloween time, so no one has their real user names up, but that's okay.


Unfortunately, we all act like 10 year olds here.  Just look at Ethan's avatar.  He's giving me a finger.  I'd feel insulted if I had any feelings.  And look at my avatar.  I drank too much at OctoberFest with my bros/homies/squash.  We are a sad, sad group of people.

Haha, theres is much greater difference between acting like 10 year olds and being one, for exemple, last week in my last community, there's been a big opraor about promotions on the minecraft server...

(10 year olds be greedy for ranks)

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And the cat's in the cradle with the silver spoon

Zombie Ethan and Lanzkip in the thread

When he's coming back Wally,

I don't know when

But we'll come back to the thread, Ethan

And repeat the same shit agaiiiiiiiiin~

I ain't scared of an stewpid wally

             ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

            ⊂  つ 

             (つ ノ 


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Hey guys. I'm brand new here. I'm a 25 year old college student (getting my second degree) and I've just been looking for some good online gaming buddies.  I just built my first gaming pc and I'm pretty happy with it:


ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0

AMD FX6300

MSI R9 290 Gaming 4GB

G.Skill Ares 2x4GB @ 1866Mhz


Those are the highlights.  


Anyways I'm just looking for some friendly people to play some games online with, preferably with mics.  Feel free to friend me on steam (searching for Dr Scroopy Noopers should find my ID).


Quick about me thats relevant to gaming:


I love all things medieval. And RPGs.

Currently playing Witcher (have beaten #2 but never had a PC to play the first) as well as enjoying some Chivalry:Medieval Warfare, and started playing Insurgency co-op with a friend (im not ONLY interested in medieval themes).


I play tons of games (library on steam is at 125) so I'm sure we'd have some in common.   I would also love to start playing Guns of Icarus with some people that will actually communicate.  I have access to a dedicated Teamspeak server that we could use for whatever game.


Anyways, that's all I can think of for now, feel free to hit me up (in fact please do) cause I need to make more gamer friends!



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