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Divinity: Original Sin


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So is anyone playing Original Sin? I bought it once I started seeing just how good the reaction was, and I've been kinda enjoying it.. I mean, not overly or anything, but I do really admire it for what it is going for. The old school, strictly PC RPG with tons of reading and intimidating skill and character sheets and the like.


I've not put enough hours into it to really know whether or not I love it as much as everyone else does. I'm curious to hear other peoples opinions on it.

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According to Steam, him, Saturnine and Vecha are playing it. It's in my list (and my wishlist!), I've "tried a demo" of it and i could lose myself in it. Just busy and looking for easier games right now.


The two main character thing, is cool... I've always wanted to create multiple characters in Baldur's Gate (and I did, using the multiplayer mode), but then everyone is devoid of personality. I'm not a fan of controlling dialogue for both of the characters, so I may end up selecting an AI for the 2nd character. I just can't imagine myself roleplaying two characters. It's like playing a scenario with dolls Legos.


I realize though that that's probably for co-op. But I've read people actually enjoy controlling both character's dialogue.


I don't know yet. I've sunk in maybe around 45 mins on the intro. I said it's on my list but really I've no idea if I would ever get around to getting and playing it.

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Controlling two characters dialogue is weird... You can use their answers to influence their stats sometimes, but then you run the risk of having the MC's disagree with one another which then leads to some luck of the draw games of Rock Paper Scissors with an AI. If you lose then you don't get whatever you were arguing for/against... I missed out on an easy quest because I had my MC's disagree with one another as to whether to take it or not..

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I like it a lot, although my early enthusiasm has been tempered. First, there are only two companions (aside from generic hirelings) in the game. there's talk that Larian will be adding a number of fleshed-out companions in an August patch, but I'm enjoying the game too much to put off playing it to wait. 


Second, there are not a whole lot of different enemy types, at least in the early game. It's not as bad as, say, Dragon Age 2, but it's noticeable. 


Other than that, I find that the game is great fun and a welcome throwback to old-school RPG design. I thought I would not like controlling both main characters' dialogue options, but it's actually very cool. Rather than shape a single Shepard or Hawke-type protagonist, you get to define two protagonists and their relationship to each other. Mine are opposed on a number of issues, which makes one of the companions quite critical of the protagonists.


The lack of quest markers or obvious quest paths takes a bit to get used to, but I've adjusted just fine after a few hours of play.

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That's encouraging... I'm gonna play some more maybe tonight or tomorrow? (I'm off work sick at the minute so got some time to lounge around, feeling sorry for myself and playing video games) and I want to try and really sink my teeth into it.. It feels like one of those games that you need to play just enough for it to really click with you and then you'll probably love it... I had a similar relationship with Spelunky. Hopefully I can get used to its little old school shenanigans like no quest markers and the like.

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