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The Trailer Thread


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Any films coming out that you want to see, or are already out, but have never seen and would like to?


Post their trailers here and then babble away!






I'm not usually a documentary person, but this looks fairly odd and enticing.

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Ohh, I haven't seen the trailer for Paul yet. Kind of tempted not to watch it for some reason... movie's gonna be amazing, and I get weird about wanting to watch awesome stuff in a certain mood.


Also, the two diedan posted - these are things I wish to see as well.

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Bummer man. I grew up in a smaller town in WI and would be forced to drive an hour and a half each way to see smaller release movies. I had nothing better to do then though...


I apparently missed Never Let Me Go in September, but it's possibly making another round at a smaller theater sometime hopefully soon? "Coming soon" doesn't really make me comfortable.

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This is in my queue, can't wait to watch it:



Why have I not watched this movie yet!? I feel like a bad person. Too many movies to watch!


This also looks amazing:



However, it'll be a long while before I see it b/c it's in very, very limited release.


Dude, good choices all around.


I know I was talking about this somewhere else, but I really need to go see Black Swan. I really love Pi, Requiem for a Dream, and The Fountain.



Alright. You all just linked three amazing movies in a row.


Once - gahh. The soundtrack is soooooooooooooooo good. I listen to it all the time. And it's a lovely film, it really is. Amazing when musicians can actually act - and I love them in this, because they're so real and awkward.


Never Let Me Go. Holy shit. I don't know how that didn't get better reviews. I didn't read the book, but that movie - I get chills just thinking about it. It was gorgeous, in every respect and haunting to no end. Carey Mulligan - if you're not in love with her yet, you will be. And the guy that got cast as the new Spidey - he's excellent (and has awesome hair), and a wonderful foil for Mulligan. Those two do 'acting with the eyes' better than most A-listers. It's one of the best movies of the year in my opinion.


And then Black Swan - oh boy. So good. Definitely not a 'feel-good' but a tense masterpiece and work of genius. I was more terrified in parts of that movie than any recent horror movie.


You must watch them ALL and soon!!

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That Tree of Life trailer has been in my head for days. It's so simplistic, yet so moving. I can't quite put my finger on it. I can't wait until Black Swan comes to my city, and I'm seeing True Grit soon. The trailer for Paul made me chuckle, and it's directed by Greg Motolla (Superbad, Adventureland, a few episodes of Arrested Development) - plus Simon Pegg and Nick Frost should make it funny regardless.


I don't know why, but this film intrigues me. It will probably suck, so I reserve my anicipation:





Also, Source Code. Hells yes, more Duncan Jones. And the concept just looks interesting. Kind of like Deja Vu, only with 100% less Denzel Washington:



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I'm gonna post trailers that were more manly than the movies.





Not that I didn't enjoy those movies. I thought they were alright, but not what the trailer made them out to be.


Now this movie...Listen. I have plenty of movies that have great dialogue and character development. Plenty. Much like "Rambo," all I wanted to see in this movie were fuckers getting owned. I didn't get that. I got another fucking standard Tarantino movie. I liked Resevoir Dogs, fuck everything else after that. I thought "maybe he'll have made an enjoyable movie?"





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I'm gonna post trailers that were more manly than the movies.


I actually dug Terminator Salvation, but I'm a whore for Worthington.


That said, the best example I've EVER seen of an awesome trailer and a horrible movie:



This is seriously one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and yet one of the best trailers.


Whoever cut he trailer is a genius - they literally took the best few seconds of the film and mashed them together in an incredibly appealing manner.

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