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The Trailer Thread


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Taken down due to copyright claim, here's another:



I don't understand what companies think they're gaining by removing their advertisements from Youtube.


  On 12/11/2012 at 12:10 AM, Deanb said:
btw anyone know if this is related to Titan AE?


Doesn't look like it based on the trailer. In Titan AE Earth is completely gone.

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  On 12/12/2012 at 12:03 AM, Waldorf And Statler said:

Zack Snyder gets a lot of crap but 300 was fantastic, Watchmen was the closest we were gonna get to the comic, and that other movie (can't even remember its name because it was bad) was mainly his wife from what I hear.


I agree 100%, aside from the third movie which I'm blanking on. I never saw that one.

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Sucker Punch? Great style, little to no substance. Fun movie to put on in the background. Also not based on a comic book, thus can be safely ignored when making guesses on how good Man of Steel will be.


There does seem to be a lot going on in that film though, very apocalyptic scale things going. I wonder how short/long the origin will be if they're wanting to dive into stuff like that (somewhat hoping the film won't be too origin-ey.)

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You mean David S. Goyer. That guy is pretty hit-or-miss. I was actually surprised when I found out he was involved with Nolan's Batman trilogy. Last I'd heard of him was years ago when he was getting his first directing gig with Blade Trinity and we all know how that turned out. It looks like his involvement with the Batman films was fairly minor, probably brought on as a consultant of sorts because of his familiarity with comics. His only credits on imdb for the entire trilogy are all for "story", which kinda supports that. The Nolan brothers wrote the screenplays themselves. I have to say I'm a bit worried to learn he has full screenplay duties on Man of Steel.


Snyder on the other hand I have no problem with. He's not a bad director. He has a great visual style and definitely has an eye for action.

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If that's the case then I am kind of worried now, but apparently they took input from plenty of comic book writers. And to be fair I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since the previous comic book movies he wrote were meant to be old-school comic films or just pure cheese-fest. I haven't seen him write this, but if he can get Nolan to like the concept and pitch the movie for him, not to mention produce, it must mean the idea at the very least stems from his work with the Batman films

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I guess it's Trailer season eh? Nice to see GlaDOS has expanded her reach and put all that testing to use. Also I assume this is the answer to the issue folks had with the Rock 'em Sock 'em robots movie of "they use them just for boxing?"

edit: eurgh. Youtube layout change has chosen to make so many of the videos https. Remember dudes n dudettes: remove the s and it embeds fine.
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I came here to post that same trailer. I've been hearing about this one for a while so it's nice to finally see some footage. I'm a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro so I expect this to kick all kinds of ass. That being said, it was distracting as hell to hear GlaDOS. I'm kind of hoping that's placeholder.

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Sam Witwer, his likeness is used directly in SWTFU, not just his voice. As I mentioned in the TV thread he's Doomsday in Smallville for one.


And yeah the GlaDOS likeness is distracting, but thankfully it's a VO, so it can be recast and reshot should feedback on the trailer prove negative. (See TDKR)

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Ah, I see. That doesn't seem like quite the same thing to me for two reasons:


1) he's not as iconic/memorable/distinctive (to me) as GlaDOS's voice, and


2) we as audiences are already accustomed to seeing the same actors in different things, so it's not as distracting.

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I just gave an example. I can give you plenty of similar things then. How about John DiMaggio appearing in all of these different video games and shows, a lot of them sounding like Bender at least at first? H Jon Benjamin doing his orgasmic voice for many shows like Archer and Home Movies? Same with Nolan North doing Drake's voice in other games and shows. You can argue "those aren't as big as Portal" but that'd be not fair as some of the media they've appeared are pretty big. Sure they don't necessarily do the exact same voice and Glad0s' voice is autotuned so it sticks out more, but I'm just trying to prove how it doesn't bother me to see/hear people I'm accustomed to in one show/game in others. Some voices are just popular. Ask Nolan North.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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