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The Trailer Thread


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Greatest, etc: I would be interested in this, what with being an Advertising major, so long as the entire thing isn't dedicated to ripping on the business. I mean, there are agencies that need to get their act together, but it's not like the entire practice is some hell spawn.



It's my experience that Morgan Spurlock's films go beyond face value. For example, "Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden" was less about Osama Bin Laden and more an examination of American foreign policy and the question of whether or not the ends justify the means in the war on terrorism.


Likewise, I'm sure that his latest film is about more than simply advertising.

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Call me a man-child, but I wouldn't mind seeing this in theaters. I mean, Winnie the Pooh was actually a part of my childhood. The characters are iconic, and I do believe that the book (and series) is perhaps one of the best children's stories due to its imagination and use of breaking the fourth wall.


Sometimes you forget that these animals are really just stuffed toys. Originally, they were characters in stories within the story of Winnie the Pooh, and that Christopher Robin and Winnie have a deep rooted friendship.

I heard the movie was quite good except for the theme song (sung by Zooey Deschanel I think). The review I read subsequently disappeared from the site it was on though which is a little odd, maybe I just imagined it.


One time at Summer School we went to the cinema and we had a choice between Spy Kids 3D and Piglet's Big Movie. Even aged 10 me and my mate knew mindless crap when we saw it so it was Piglet all the way. To this day I don't regret it.

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I heard the movie was quite good except for the theme song (sung by Zooey Deschanel I think). The review I read subsequently disappeared from the site it was on though which is a little odd, maybe I just imagined it.



It's too early to release the review to the public since the RoW gets it before the US (We get it on April 15th and they get it on July 15th). And yeah the movie is pretty decent, some of the songs need work but that could be our nostalgia playing tricks. But yeah the review crowd here has seen it already. I think the review should be up by Wednesday.

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I heard the movie was quite good except for the theme song (sung by Zooey Deschanel I think). The review I read subsequently disappeared from the site it was on though which is a little odd, maybe I just imagined it.



It's too early to release the review to the public since the RoW gets it before the US (We get it on April 15th and they get it on July 15th). And yeah the movie is pretty decent, some of the songs need work but that could be our nostalgia playing tricks. But yeah the review crowd here has seen it already. I think the review should be up by Wednesday.

Yeh I figured it might have been embargoed and he forgot about it or something when he first put it up.

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I don't know how people ever manage to assemble for videos like that. I've never found any friends in my life that would be willing to look so stupid and silly -- even off camera.


I can't even get my friends to play motion-controlled games.

The only guaranteed way to have that many (or more) people look silly is to be e-famous, like Nostalgia Critic, or submit yourself to a lot of cocaine.

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It shouldn't work...but it looks like it actually might.


The one thing that I didn't like from that trailer was that the fighting moves he uses in the bar just seem too modern.


Edit: I dunno, after watching it again they don't seem that bad. Its a pretty tiny thing anyway.

Edited by Mr W Phallus
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That's not how it happened. That's just stupid.


Also it looks like the peak of James Franco's career may have been and gone already.


Edit: @Atom: Isn't the whole point of the first Planet of the Apes that humans destroyed each other with war, and the apes eventually evolved and took over the few surviving humans (who devolved somehow). Not that apes forcibly conquered humanity. That's just ridiculous.

Edited by Mr W Phallus
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Edit: @Atom: Isn't the whole point of the first Planet of the Apes that humans destroyed each other with war, and the apes eventually evolved and took over the few surviving humans (who devolved somehow). Not that apes forcibly conquered humanity. That's just ridiculous.

It has been far too long since I've seen the older Planet of the Apes films. The movie I was referring to was the latest Planet of the Apes where the protagonist lands on a modern-day Earth, but with apes as the dominant species.


With the trailer above, I don't see any sign of human-on-human war. It really seems like humans are going to have to face off with intelligent apes. The thing is, unless some apes evolve into scientists and engineers, how exactly would the apes become the dominant species?


Coconut Guns?



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Rare warned us about stealing their bananas, but did we listen?


But yeh I guess this new film fits more with the recent Planet of the Apes, I was sorta thinking they'd want to associate the prequel with the original because that was a good film and Tim Burton's was extremely poor, but apparently Hollywood know better. Well I have this to say to you Hollywood:



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  • 2 weeks later...


As a whole the trailer is a bit action heavy, especially after such a lovely atmospheric start, but I'm still super excited.


Not so super excited for the post-conversion 3D jobby they pulled on us though. Seriously, as if they need to milk the biggest selling franchise in the history of ever any more than they have done.

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Looks good. It is the "Battle of Hogwarts" so I'd expect it to be a bit action packed. I'm wanting to see the Bellatrix vs Molly battle. While I've told my little sister Harry dies I've kept it from her why them two fight.

Should be some good popcorn flick stuff.


And as it's post-conversion I probably won't go n see it in 3D.






New trailer*. Probably worth making an X-Men thread actually.


*Yes it's a new trailer. Just the same effing start that meant when linked to a new trailer the other day I closed it not long after it started.

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I'll probably go see Harry Pottwe it in 2D as well if Cineworld give me the option. I was forgetting I'd probably won't be in Manchester in July, I was expecting to end up seeing it at the IMAX where I wouldn't have any choice in the matter.


I'm still optimistic about First Class, I know Fox screwed up the last two X-movies (and I can't remember if X-Men 2 was any good) but the trailers are making it look pretty great.

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I'm optimistic about Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The movie's not related to the Tim Burton one OR the original. I'm guessing the apes will learn to use human weaponry or develop something of their own. I kind of have a thing for smart apes, like my favorite Supervillain is Gorilla Grodd, so I'm hoping the movie will be good. Looks like high production values and an interesting plot.


X-Men: First Class looks absolutely excellent, excellent, excellent. I love the retro costumes and I'm so glad they added them in. I'm very optimistic about this movie, as well.

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