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The Trailer Thread


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That cover of Immigrant Song hurts my soul.

That trailer totally misrepresents the pace and feel of the books and Swedish movie. Unless this is a major departure from the originals, I deem this trailer: awful!


The song's a great mix of Led Zepplin and Nine Inch Nails (who did the cover). It's in the style of industrial rock, not hard/heavy rock, hence the differences.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna go ahead and agree with Phallus on the Rise of the Planet of the Apes.


I saw the trailer for the first time when I went to watch First Class. I was completely and absolutely dumbfounded and how utterly retarded the premise sounded. I mean, a serious action movie that consists of monkeys taking over the world. Wat.


Then I saw the title and I thought "you know, this is probably the ONE instance where I would've preferred the name of the move they were advertising BEFORE they showed the trailer". Not nearly as stupid looking at it from a PotA prequel, but taking the movie trailer at face value it really did look terrible and stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes it's so hard to love Hugh Jackman. Between this and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it's like "What the fuck were you thinking? You can get much better roles than this any day of the week."




Thanks a lot for further bastardizing The Lion King, Disney. "The Lion King 2" and "3" weren't enough. Now you've got to put the first one in "3D", which is frankly impossible. It'll just end up looking like you're reading a book with layers.


At least they're still acknowledging the best movie they've ever made, though.

Edited by DukeOfPwn
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