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Games That Beat You


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Spelunky is another game I just don't have the patience for to try and get good at.  :unsure2:

Honestly, it comes naturally from just playing. You don't need to be very good to play, I don't feel particularly good after 20+ hours on the PC version, but I made it to the final boss. I just kinda stopped playing before beating him. It's very similar to the Souls games in the sense that you should learn from every death and it's usually your own fault that you died. Impatience is your worst enemy.


It also plays surprisingly well on Vita!

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Bravely Default really is getting the better of me because of it's stupid second half =(


I played the Theif reboot recently and ran through the last 2 levels because it was that terrible and dull. Get a feeling I might have to rush through the end of BD as well (althougn not because it's terrible!)


The recent Mario and Luigi game on 3DS I stopped playing after about 6 hours because I just got so bored with how the entire game felt like a tutorial.


And I recently was defeated by Dark Souls 2! Only got 4 bosses in but just couldn't commit the time to getting good at it.

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I'm playing Fez at the moment, and not really enjoying it. My memory is too pants to remember any of the clues hidden about, and while I've worked the map out it's not very fun navigating around the world. I'm guessing I'm about half way though, but it's hard to tell. I was sort of happy to plod along but I've got to a level where you have to climb up faster than rising acid and I just hate that sort of level in generally and it's particularly annoying in this with spinning platforms so I think I'm done.

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I'm playing Fez at the moment, and not really enjoying it. My memory is too pants to remember any of the clues hidden about, and while I've worked the map out it's not very fun navigating around the world. I'm guessing I'm about half way though, but it's hard to tell. I was sort of happy to plod along but I've got to a level where you have to climb up faster than rising acid and I just hate that sort of level in generally and it's particularly annoying in this with spinning platforms so I think I'm done.



I enjoyed Fez for about 3 hours, but I just lost interest after that. If you're willing to dedicate hours (HOURS) of your life to unlocking its clues, it might be worth it; I wasn't, and I didn't find the games basic mechanics enjoyable enough to deal with the frustration of some of the puzzles.

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  • 4 months later...

Demon's Souls, Darksiders 2, Dead Space, The Witcher.


I think that a lot of this comes down to another game coming along that distracts me. Of those, The Witcher 2 and Demon's Souls both lost me for feeling a bit directionless. Dead Space and Darksiders 2 I just sort of got interrupted. Should make an effort to finish them both some day.

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Whoa late to this thread


I liked the new Thief, Ethan!


Hottie: I'm not sure exactly why I find Driver: SF so compelling. The multiplayer is fucking incredible, at least, and not sure if you tried it. That gave me a lot more playtime. Also it has the best FPS driving in any game, and I love me some FPS driving. It even beats out GTAVR's and Far Cry 4's.


OT: Dead Island. Was enjoying it as a singleplayer action RPG. Got to the City. Didn't fucking have patience for it anymore. Was clearly not going to change at all before the end. That said, I'll be picking up Dying Light simply for the prospect of open-world FPS parkour.


I've kinda petered out on The Witcher 2. It's really good but, frankly, a lot of hard work for a slow moving story/missions. At times I love micromanaging every aspect of Geralt's inventory, but most of the time I really don't and it's a bother. Really well written though, which is great. I hope CDPR smooths some of the mechanics for Wild Hunt. Judging by what they've said about it so far, they have.


Minecraft: I adore the first 6-7 hours while you survive and get yourself established with a house/fortress. Then... There's nothing to do.


No matter what, I was guaranteed to get a blue screen while playing Witcher at some point between 30 minutes to an hour or so. Every single time without fail it happened, and I tried every fucking solution I could possibly think of to fix the issue, up to and including switching out the video card, and nothing worked. Short of getting a whole new PC, I flat out can't finish the game. To this day I have never played Witcher 2 because I haven't finished 1 and I just can't bring myself to start a trilogy in the middle.

PC gaming, everyone!

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  • 1 year later...

So I figured this for a potentially interesting topic.


So I'm currently not playing TES Online. I guess I found it a bit lacking in the mid-game, it was more of a poor MMO than TES turned into an online game. Mainly there was much much less freedom to it than a TES game, heck even than some MMOs. It was structured very much "go to this area, do all the quests, then go to this area, do all the quests". I might have a crack it again down the line, might just have burnt out on it early on, I did play it quite a bit and now onto FFIX. And hey might be patches but I'd guess it's fairly patched at this point until an expansion pops out.


So what are you currently not playing?

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Tried to get into Elite Dangerous a few months back, let's just say I wasn't entirely successful.


As much as I wanted to invest time into the game, there's just too much going on for me to wrap my tiny human brain around. Not to mention the frankly insane time needed to learn and perfect the systems.


I'm hoping No Mans Sky might be a more accessible version of this, maybe..


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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The Division.


Its a total snooze fest. Maybe I should have expected that playing solo, but I doubt I'd find it much more interesting with friends. Its just boring. The loot is boring, the missions are boring and the world is... You guessed it, boring.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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