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Games That Beat You


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Child of Light!


I tried it again last week, I think. I got pretty far into it now, but I just got tired of the dialogue style (all them rhymes), it was amusing at first, but now I just really wanted to read regular dialogue... And I think I also got tired of the combat. Man I really do not like turn based I guess. It was OK at first, but now that I've been battling the same types of enemies over and over I just dread going into combat. I just slogged through the fight against the giant spider who won't die and then I gave up.

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Oh man, Vagrant Story by Squeenix. I played it in my teens, couldn't get it. Played again in my 20s still not clicking. I remember getting to this dragon thing and just failing utterly miserably to do any damage. It had some really counter-intuitive systems in the combat, like chained attacks would get weaker, you'd hit for 30hp on the first strike, then 20, then 10, by the fifth strike you were doing 1hp damage on a creature that had 1000s.


It's a shame cos I loved the world and the crafting and what not, but the combat just didn't go in to my brain.

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Child of Light!


I tried it again last week, I think. I got pretty far into it now, but I just got tired of the dialogue style (all them rhymes), it was amusing at first, but now I just really wanted to read regular dialogue... And I think I also got tired of the combat. Man I really do not like turn based I guess. It was OK at first, but now that I've been battling the same types of enemies over and over I just dread going into combat. I just slogged through the fight against the giant spider who won't die and then I gave up.

I got about 2 hours into that game and lost interest. I liked the way the turns worked in combat though, with the meter filling up and you getting to go whenever it was full. I wish Pokemon did that.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty.  I played for 45 minutes, finished the first level/chapter/whatever, and it just was not doing it for me.  I honestly have no idea what people see in this game.  The controls are terrible, and even if they were good the game is just not engaging.

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