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Hollywood Pet Peeves

Mister Jack

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Splitting the last movie in a trilogy or franchise up into two parts.  God, I HATE this one, especially since part one is always full of filler bullshit.  I also consider The Hobbit to be one movie split up into three parts because there was no good excuse to make a 300 page book into a huge trilogy.  They're just milking it.

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Where the names on the poster don't match the person it's next to. I saw Expendables 3 on side of a bus the other day and they didn't even try. I believe Hot Heart has the same pet peeve, I think I've seen it a few times from him.




I know the (rather silly) reason why it's like this, but knowing the why doesn't make it any less silly.



Take the above, Christian Bale is the lead and most well paid actor in the film, so gets first billing on the poster, and also being main character gets the prominent central position in the picture. The rest in pretty much importance/salary/agent prowess order, with "and" going to Jennifer Lawrence since (I'm gonna guess) she has a smaller role than everyone else, but more important than Jeremy "but what if you run out of arrows?" Renner.




Another is the prevalence of digital, somewhat ironic given I'm trained as a digital VFX artist. It goes from being used with a scalpel in the likes of Jurassic Park to being just slathered all over a film with no thought given to the whys and "hey could with do this with in-camera or practical effects?". Just look at difference between Sequel to Prequel Star Wars and LotR to Hobbit to see some of the corrupting effects being given digital toolset can have. I know people aren't super keen on him but Abrams at least gets applaud from me for his use of practical effects.

"If all you have is a hammer everything begins to look like nails". It's a shame, we're gonna lose a lot of knowledge and skill over the coming years I think as studios reduce both practical effects, stop motion work, and regular 2D animation as well.

Oh and that's the over-use of CGI within the sci-fi and fantasy genres, which you expect to have a lot of effects work. Ugly Betty though?


Silly reason why: Cos filming in actual New York costs a shit ton more than doing green screen work and digitally compositing fake New York behind it all.


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I know this isn't exactly the same but I think frozen would have been much better as a 2D traditional animation. The dresses moved so jankily that it distracted me from what was actually happening and while I think the snowman came out ok the moose lost a lot of his charm that I know he'd have had in 2D.

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Splitting the last movie in a trilogy or franchise up into two parts.  God I HATE this one, especially since part one is always full of filler bullshit.  I also consider The Hobbit to be one movie split up into three parts because there was no good excuse to make a 300 page book into a huge trilogy.  They're just milking it.


In the defence of Harry Potter, that last book is pretty large, and whilst I think DHP1 suffers a little, there's simply no way they'd have been able to get the important parts of P1 into P2 without either having a 4 hour movie, or really ruining some of the character stuff. In this case, I think they did it right. Can't speak to The Hobbit as I've not seen the film, although my understanding is that they're filling in with bits from other Tolkien books? I honestly think they could have told a good story with two parts. The third just seems unnecessary. 

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Hobbit would have been fine with two, but "Buy the Twology on Blu-Ray and DVD today" doesn't have quite the ring to it. Nor the ca-ching. And while they have fleshed out based on other Tolkien books (Return of the King has a massive bulk on the back of the book that's like history of middle earth, family trees, languages, etc, as well as the Silmarillion n what not), its putting in its own little bits that never happened at all. Such as the love triangle stuff, which is only added to ...read the fucking book it's for tweens, takes a few hours.


He dies in battle of five armies, I think Jackson is aiming to bolster the emotional impact.



Harry Potter books get so long near the end of the run that you could have turned the last 3 books into a 20 part TV series.

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@Dan:  They're also filling in The Hobbit with a bunch of bits they just made the fuck up, which is irritating.


@Dean:  I agree about CGI, I think movies look best when they have an intelligent use of practical effects enhanced with CGI where appropriate.  It just gives everything more of a sense of "actually being a physical object" than CGI alone does.


*Edit* - Dean ninja'd me on the Hobbit.

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I hate it when creators shoehorn in women and use them for secondary plot points, nothing else. No character development, no plot impact or good lines, just background bullshit.


Two Guns did this, it was fucking disgusting. Such a shit thing I was tempted not to spoiler-tag:



There's literally 1 female character (versus a male cast of 11) who has sex with a protagonist even though they're broken up, then she gets kidnapped and is a damsel in distress, then she sells them out- but rather than become a villain, she just gets shot in the head about 20 minutes before the film even ends. She's literally throwaway, gets about 10 minutes total screentime, and is just horridly handled.



Goddamn whadyacallit did this, too. That James Bond one. Skyfall. Christ. 



Two female characters.


One does a bunch of guffs then shoots Bond by accident. End of the film "I think I'll just be a secretary."


The other is a sex worker who James Bond seduces, who is then sexually abused onscreen by the main villain, then shot in the head by him, and Bond doesn't blink an eye. He literally forgets she exists in that instant, and doolalleys off into the rest of the movie ending up in the sunset. M dies, so okay. 2/3 women in the film are killed off.




Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Speaking of women, can we stop injecting romance into movies that don't need it? Especially action movies? I don't give a shit about Thor's girlfriend.



I feel like that's the whole reason such "mistreatment" above happens. It's like an obligation to include some eye candy or just "a female touch"- it's an obligation from a problematic, distant age. So now when female (or male) characters are just included when not necessary, it brings the whole thing down. They won't be treated with respect if their included out of expectation.

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Speaking of women, can we stop injecting romance into movies that don't need it? Especially action movies? I don't give a shit about Thor's girlfriend.



Wasn't she included so they had a bankable star to go on the poster? Take Portman away and who have you got that mainstream audiences can attach too? 17 year olds aren't going to be interested in a film that's helmed by Renee Russo, Anthony Hopkins and Stellan Skarsgård.

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I have a major problem with reboots that not only shit all over the spirit of the original, better movie (or movies), but even go so far as to retcon the originals to make it so they never happened.  It takes a lot of balls to write your shitty remake in a way that so blatantly screams "THIS IS THE REAL STORY AND THE OLD ONE DOESN'T MATTER."  It's just so disrespectful.

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