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Zoe Quinn


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I honestly have little opinion on this except, "not surprised."

More "SJW" rants from people online. Supposed controversy with Kotaku(Seems they love to attract it....remember when I pissed everyone off at Kotaku after follow EA/KotakuPR orders?)




Take what you will from the video...but it wouldn't surprise me if a koraku "jouranlist" decided to have sex in exchange for a positive article. Fuck...all these game "jouranlist" are usually just amateur bloggers that get picked up from writing interesting pieces online. 

Anyways, Opinions? Rants? "Who gives a fucks?"

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It doesn't matter if it's true or false, gaming websites are going to bury this whole thing. This is one of those things that people are still too uncomfortable with. If it's true, people will just get shamed into being wrong. They'll just throw antifeminist accusations out there and it'll all be like it never happened.

Makes the entire thing a non issue to me.

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Yeah it seems to be way overblown for what it is. It's super duper shitty she cheated on her boyfriend with five guys (and failed to disclose yet had unprotected sex, which yeah not great). I guess kinda hypocritical too, but for most part a non-story beyond the involvement of a games journalist (and huh, a Kotaku one at that, surprise surprise).

The harassment stuff also shitty as well and anything beyond the "naughty you for cheating" isn't really warranted (Though as Vecha posted there's also word now that she'd made up some shit about a forum for mostly depressed guys...and she's working on "Depression Quest").

The censoring around it also shitty (and only fuel to the flames since Streisand effect and such).

The sexism on both sides is also pretty crap.


Everything has been super shitty.


As an aside on the "not making any money on it": It's actually not free but Pay What You Want, and she also runs a Patreon which gets a couple grand a month.

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I've been following this drama since it started and I think the timing of this shitstorm (Depression Quest just came out on Steam) and the fact that, AFAIK, no one has managed to prove any of those allegations says a lot here. The guy that wrote the blog post that started everything seemed more interested in character assassination than in exposing any alleged unethical behavior.


All I'm really getting from this is that maybe, possibly Zoe Quinn is a shitty person? Okay. Why should I even care? It's none of my damn business, I don't know her. There's a reason no press outlet has picked up this "story" and that's because it isn't one.


The only thing all this has really accomplished is once again showing how fucking vile and disgusting gaming communities can be. It takes a truly fucked up mind to think any of this justifies harassing someone like what's been going on the past few days.

Edited by FLD
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I've actually been trying to not read or even see anything relating to all this drama, but we're at the online crusade level here guys. People have saddled their horses and are riding over hilltops with banners waving in the wind seeking the fabled witch to burn at the stake.


I was reading a few comments at first, and I saw a few people with the same sentiment as we do here. They all got the same response of, get this, "weeding out the corruption and evil present in game development and journalism." Yes, and if we let this blow over, we are letting evil triumph over truth.


In the end, I guess what we can take away from all of this is don't cheat on your boyfriend with a gaming journalist. Why? Well, apparently all of gaming will crumble at the weight of your lone misdeeds. Truly a loose vagina is comparable to that of Cthulhu's maw.

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Cheating is doing anything with another person outside the bounds of the agreed limits of the relationship.  If you've agreed to be sexually exclusive and you have sex with someone else then you're cheating, it really is that simple.


Qualifier:  apparently some of this happened while they were broken up for a short time?  If so, then that's not cheating, because you're not in an exclusive relationship with that person.

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Oh yeah, talking about their relationship is lame and dumb, I just wanted to discuss the definition of cheating, because I find that kind of thing interesting.  The only reason I mentioned the part about them being broken-up was so I wasn't misunderstood about what I was referring to.

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Oh sorry, I wasn't referencing your post, just the whole "scandal" in general.

I know people like to paint video games as for children but most of us are at least out of high school and should be over this kind of stuff.


also internet: why you gotta do that with my favorite burger place?

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Ooooh man, this is all kinds of fucked up. Polytron website and twitter accounts were hacked and Phil Fish/Polytron got doxxed. All kinds of personal and financial info was apparently leaked. The Polytron site had a message claiming it was done by /v/ but who the fuck can say for sure...





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