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What Do You Look Like - Halloween Edition


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1. Say what you'll be going as, or are thinking about going as. DISCUSS.


2. After tomorrow, post pictures of the result. DISCUSS.



It turns out I'm being forced into costume this year - so I thought I try my best and bring you all into my pit of shame and self-hate.





It'll be good craic really.



I believe I'm going to be attending festivities as a white sheet with two holes in it. Eat your heart out, Mr BOOH!



If this thread crashes and burns, screw you guys, I don't even care, it's a rubbish festivity anyway!



To kick off proceedings, here's me and my GF last year. We went as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It was a murder mystery party held by her aunt. Awkward comedy ensued



Edit: mods, a much better name for this thing is "What Do You Spook Like". If you could change it to that, I'll love you forever.

Edited by broom_ryden
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I'm being boring and going as a regular vampire this year. It's always my easy way out when I have no ideas and my perfect fangs are in a box, waiting. :)

Man, the easy way out always sucks you in... Only twice have I ever gone all-out on a costume. Worth it, but so much hassle.


This year I'm going as the most rudimentary ghost you've ever seen. "Easy way out" doesn't even cut it.

Edited by broom_ryden
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Like I said in the halloween thread I'm going as Santa Claus. I have a red bag and everything. Gonna fill it with beer and liquor and then arrive at the house party and pass them out. I may or may not take lots of pictures we'll see. If I do I'll post them here but you won't see my face under all the Santa hair/beard lol. Chances are I'll take some pictures without the mask to commemorate our last halloween party before we graduate though

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I'm being boring and going as a regular vampire this year. It's always my easy way out when I have no ideas and my perfect fangs are in a box, waiting. :)

Man, the easy way out always sucks you in... Only twice have I ever gone all-out on a costume. Worth it, but so much hassle.


This year I'm going as the most rudimentary ghost you've ever seen. "Easy way out" doesn't even cut it.


The only truly proper costume I have put together was a Silent Hill nurse outfit. That was fun, but hard to walk around and just seeing with one eye.

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I didn't dress up.  I had to work last night, but I did manage to go with the wife and some family and friends taking kids out.  My son was a minion and daughter was a skeleton.  I guess you could say I was a zombie.  That'd be about accurate.


and why the hell did Kansas decide last night was a good night to start getting cold? 70s-80s most the week then hey, let's do 50 something for the high on Halloween...

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Not taking pictures you mean? I simply never had the chance haha.


Prior years we had enough time to set-up throughout the day and have the 'regulars' of the group of friends take pictures before people arrive. This time we spent the whole day setting up and by the time we were done the guests had arrived so it was rushing to change to costumes and then more arrived. I wanted to take pics. But they also put me on trick or treat duty to help out. If anything the best part of that was the little kids excitedly saying hi and goodbye to me since I was Santa Claus.

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