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The Ring of Void

Saturnine Tenshi

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This guy just released the novella he's been working on for some time now.

I was a beta reader and absolutely loved it (I'll post my review below, after all the good stuff).

Help a chum out and grab a copy!


The Ring of Void by Miodrag Kovachevic

Amazon (Kindle) | Amazon (Print)



After his first death, Shinnosuke Yamagami became a psychopomp, a creature meant to help the deceased pass on to the Nether, the land of the dead. However, Shinnosuke’s branch of work was much less poetic; his job was to hunt down runaway spirits that escaped to the mortal realm. Now, Shinnosuke faces his second death—the death of the soul. In his final moments of existence, he recalls the stories that will remain after him; his journey with the demonic corgi Yago and his battles with spirits that spread terror amongst humans. And among those stories was Mirth, a fox creature in human form who frequently yanked the psychopomp out of his routine work and flung him into chaos.


The Ring of Void is a dark fantasy novella that deals with tales left after one’s demise. Are they enough to form the true picture of a hero, or are they just a blueprint that the reader has to complete?



My review:


The Ring of Void may be Kovachevic's first book, but it speaks volumes for his experience and vigor as a storyteller. Kovachevic has a clear understanding of the tenets of true duty, and the trials one must endure in its service. This devotion to duty is the warp and weft of The Ring of Void, and the core of the struggle that Shinnosuke, the main character, has been mired in—through some fault of his own.

The book is laid out as a series of glimpses into the life of this man, a psychopomp charged with tracking down belligerent souls and returning them to the land of the dead by any means necessary. Along the way, readers will gain insight into Shinnosuke's life through tales of his encounters with these souls and the interactions with his few companions.

I would recommend The Ring of Void to anyone with a penchant for fantasy, the supernatural, or Eastern mythology. Those 70 pages are full of heart—not just the vim of an author who enjoys his craft, but the sort of pulsating conveyance that makes you feel. It seems to me that The Ring of Void is a story about a man trapped too long in the consequences of his past, whose guilt is overwhelming, and whose integrity prevents him from breaking free of either his past or his guilt.

My only real qualm with the book is that I loathe dogs. But if you don't have an aversion to corgis then you've nothing to worry about.



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I had no idea someone already made a topic for this (and here I thought about making my comeback with shameless self-promotion).


Anyway, I heard the concern about Amazon exclusivity and I understand it. The first step I did was trying to get the digital version on alternate channels. You can find the book on Libiro: http://www.libiro.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1467 (And it should be DRM free) It's available there in both .epub and .mobi formats. I'll see what I can do about adding a .pdf choice, I just need to find the time. If you enjoy it (or if you don't end up enjoying the book), feel free to leave a review on its Amazon page or on Goodreads


The print version is on Amazon and CreateSpace only at the moment. It's gonna take up to a max of 8 weeks until it's available in other stores.

Edited by Cyber Rat
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