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Great Game Music of 2014

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Yay, it's this thread again!


Much like Bastion, Transistor's entire soundtrack was amazing but the main theme is just so, so good.




The Souls series hasn't really had a lot of memorable music since Demon's Souls chilling main theme but the Majula theme really stuck with me for some reason. It lets you know you're in a safe place but at the same time it's really eerie and haunting.



If you grew up playing the NES like I did, Shovel Knight was such a goddamn nostalgia trip and the music contributed a lot to that feeling. It takes you back to the days when games had to have really catchy tunes because they couldn't yet bore you with generic orchestral soundtracks. 


And, as it turns out, I haven't played a whole lot of new releases this year because that's pretty much it. So, I'm going to cheat and say the PC version came out this year. :P



On its own, the Revengeance soundtrack isn't that incredible. It's cheesy power metal nonsense and is all kinds of silly. But as a game soundtrack? Holy shit, it's as close to perfection as you can possibly get. It complements the insanity happening on-screen in the best imaginable way. There's just something incredibly satisfying about hearing someone scream "RULES OF NATURE!!" as you block the attack of a gigantic robot with your tiny little sword, only to follow that up by running up its arm and slashing it to fucking pieces.

Edited by FLD
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That Transistor song. I still need to play the game. :(


The Atelier Escha & Logy (Eschatology—so punny!) vocal album was pleasant. It really had its moments.


Ar no surge was somewhat disappointing. The Ar tonelico series is, or should be, known for its impressive soundtracks, and this one was spotty in its performance. Still, there were some notable tracks.





Gust also released Atelier Escha & Logy this year (Eschatology—so punny!). The vocal album had its moments.


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Since it wasn't complete until this year, and I missed it last year, I'm also counting The Wolf Among Us.

Oh man, I can't believe I forgot about The Wolf Among Us. That game had such a great atmosphere and the music contributed a lot to it. Good pick.  


That Transistor song. I still need to play the game. :(

Yes, you really do. Might be a good idea to put it at the top of your wishlist for the secret santa. :P

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