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No Man's Sky


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  On 8/2/2016 at 4:43 PM, deanb said:

(also the NMS sub is a hell of a crazy place)

Is that really a surprise? Those retards attacked Kotaku/Jason Schreier because he reported on a rumor (that turned out to be true) that the game would be delayed from its initial June release date. I mean, I'm not even sure how to process that level of stupidity. I don't know what it is about this game but it seems to attract the biggest morons gaming communities have to offer.

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Hello Games now gotten a month worth of what I assume to be a day one patch ready. It will be interesting to see what issues it fixed or balanced. Now to wait for the NMS subreddit to bitch about a day one patch. Remember: A game may consume you (when released) but it is not your life.

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At this point I think I'm just waiting for a port report before I purchase. Will it meet the hype? Probably not but as long as it's not Spore level of crashing into the ground then I'm fine. The leaked players doesn't seem to have much of anything terrible to say about the game. Review copies are going out on Monday to coincide with the Day One patch. Kind of crappy but understandable. Might have something by Tuesday or Wednesday.

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They've thrown up some pretty extensive patch notes for day one on their site:



It seems less like a patch and more like "putting in a lot of missing functionality into the game". It feels a bit like some of those DRM patches Square used to do on PC where the disc would have like 80% of the game then you had to download another 2GB to get the rest on launch day. As I've said on twitter I'm unsure if they've just gone into weird turbo mode since going "Gold" after years of lackadaisical development or if they've purposefully held a chunk back from the disc version in a "in case the game leaks no one can do everything" kind of sense which is kinda silly and probably explains why they're not putting out review copies until pretty much on release. Also the patch means you have to delete your local save (There's a "cloud save" which they're wiping and has like the discoveries on, and a local save I guess has your equipment n progress saved to) which I'm hoping is just patch of their "DRM patch fucking overness" and not gonna be consistent thing each time they patch the game.

Anywho recently found it's going out on GOG so err I might find a way to give it a short spin...


@SomTervo: I nearly mentioned something after the stream Mal posted up cos at time he seemed to be doing things a little bit stupidly but for the most part doing okay and I dislike judging others playing since I doubt I do very well myself (which is a big thing putting me off doing streams).

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Well at least his save will get wiped when the game goes live.  That's poetic justice.


Apparently the whole "you can beat the game in 30 hours thing" relies on an exploit that gets you infinite warp cells, which is fixed in the patch, which makes the claim even sillier.  It's more than just rushing the game, it's rushing the game and using exploits to do it faster than should normally be possible.


And having now been reminded that Steam refunds are a thing I'm almost certainly going to be preordering this on Wednesday or Thursday assuming the console buzz isn't super bad.

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So it not being multiplayer at all is confirmed. Two guys met up on Twitch and you don't see any other players. Not really surprising given:


- If it's a million in one chance of meeting in an near infinite universe why bother coding all this stuff maybe only 3 people will use

- Technically "no chance at all" is sort of near "unlikely". In same way it's "unlikely" I'd ever get a BJ off Scarlett Johanson.

- On the Giantbomb stream they were able to pause the game. You usually can't pause the game in an online game.

- Given they've said the planets are regenerated for every player so you can't carve your name into the planet and others would see it cos only the name n seed is stored also really kinda confirmed it

- Also on Steam it's listed as Single Player only.


So yeah it's only multiplayer in the same sense folks will see the names you've given planets and creatures. Pretty much the same level of "MP" Spore had really.


Like it's clear MP was never an aim with this game and I'm not bummed by it's omission (though I feel it'd have made the game much more long-term n "that word begining with e for games you do shit in that aren't part of the game it escapes me at the moment"). I am kinda bummed that they continued with the (abnd I quote from his twitter literally yesterday): "The chances of two players ever crossing paths in a universe this large is pretty much zero."

It's not "pretty much zero" it's "zero". In the same sense that the chances of two players crossing paths in a Skyrim this large is "pretty much zero" cos it's a technical impossibility. They've continued to tease it as a possibility, a challenge for the dedicated to try n meet up with friends, but it's just something that's not part of the game "You play in your own universe, only the data on planets and names is shared, you can't meet with friends" wouldn't be hard to say.


Maybe there's a bit of the old molyneux in the water over in Guildford.

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