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Life is Strange


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How long does the episode take? I purchased it (it being the first ep) since it was cheap and interesting and I like this sort of thing so I'm wondering what sort of time to block out for it. If this is doable in a few hours (I imagine it is) I'll get to it this weekend since I haven't picked up a new game after AC3.

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How long does the episode take? I purchased it (it being the first ep) since it was cheap and interesting and I like this sort of thing so I'm wondering what sort of time to block out for it. If this is doable in a few hours (I imagine it is) I'll get to it this weekend since I haven't picked up a new game after AC3.


I wasn't timing it, but I'd say you could get through it in a 2-3 hours, maybe a little longer if you're going to look at everything in the game. 

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  • 1 month later...

Played the second episode tonight and it's definitely still going strong. Felt a little shorter to me but that might just be because the first episode had to spend so much time introducing everything, so it started out much slower. This one had some pretty strong moments, more so than the first ep. I enjoyed the first episode a lot but it's this one that sealed the deal: I love this way more than I did any of Telltale's games so far. It's gonna be a long wait for the next episode, May seems so far away. :(


Oh, and I'm a terrible person.


I laughed out loud when Chloe shot herself and actually rewinded time three times and kept telling her to shoot the bumber again. I'm actually a little disappointed that there wasn't an achievement that popped up for that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, apparently we only talk about anticipating episodes though, not any comments after they release.


I thought Episode 2 was even stronger than Episode 1.  Definitely less cringe-inducing dialogue, and just overall it seemed to have a better pace to it.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally played episode 3 (I was out of town from last Wednesday through Monday, and didn't get a chance until now) and I have a theory about the animal deaths:



Every time Max uses her power it causes animals to die, the bigger the change the more substantial the deaths have to be.


Possibly, though I'm much less confident about this part, the tornado is actually caused by Max using her power.


Magic always has a cost.


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Just finished Ep 3 with the gf.


Holy nutballs. The thing is brilliant.


Events have so much more impact than they did in the Telltale ones. Not sure if that's still a perceived effect of our choices or if things CAN change a lot, but amazing regardless.


Episode 2 spoilers:



We failed to save Kate.


Genuinely one of the most tragic deaths i've ever seen in a videogame. It was brilliantly directed from a visual standpoint, and us being able to look in her room at all her personal effects made it really hit home.


For the entire week after we played it my partner and I would get sudden bouts of "WE COULDN'T SAVE HER" melancholy throughout our days. Made it so heavy that we couldn't rewind. An ingenious contrivance.


Really well handled in ep 3 too. Although the audience with the principal and randomly Nathan, David and Mr Jefferson was really contrived.



Episode 3 spoilers:



Wow. Did not expect it to go full butterfly effect. Do we get any choice on whether we save William or not? Im so curious about how the next episode will play out now that we're in a weirdly nightmarish parallel-sort-of universe.






that's a good idea, espesh re the birds. But the storm is just as bad from day one, in a flash-forward, so surely it couldn't get worse?


Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Re your episode 3 question:

I don't think you had an option whether to save him or not.



Re my theory:

Yeah, the tornado thing was just an afterthought, the moment when the thought occurred to me was when it showed the dead whales on the beach: huge time leap back 5 years = much more substantial animal deaths.


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That's a really good parallel. Especially considering



the bird stuff only begins after she stops time for a long stretch at the end of Ep 2.



What confuses the idea is that the game is set over one week where we know something is building up anyway. It's not clear where Max's influence ends and the general fucked-uppery of Friday's tornado events begins.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I'm loving it. Haven't been able to make it all the way through ep 4 yet.


But goddamn, any time it goes to the dramatic but decision screen I have to just put down the controller and state at the screen for 5 minutes trying to decide.

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I want to elaborate on that first big decision of Episode 4, since I can't put spoiler tags in the status convo:



First I chose "I don't know", then ultimately agreed to do it.  It took me at least 5 minutes to decide, if not longer.  My ultimate reason was that I knew I was going to go back in time and let her dad die, so this wasn't "really" happening.  At first I didn't like that reasoning, which is part of why I hesitated for so long, because I felt like it was an OoC line of reasoning instead of an IC one, but then I realized that it's not the same as like save-scumming or knowing what the writers would or wouldn't do: Max would also know that she could probably go back in time with the picture again, and that this wasn't "really" going to happen either, so it was perfectly IC.  Given that I didn't think there could be any "real" consequences of that decision I decided that there wasn't any reason not to give Chloe what she wanted.



What did you do, and why?

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What a decision.



To begin with I was going to straight up Agree. It was the right thing to do. Even in her circumstance – her parents were throwing away millions a year just to keep her living a relatively miserable existence which would probably end within a year or two anyway. And her 'last memory' request was pretty hard to say no to. Then there's also the fact that this timeline could probably be overwritten really easily from Max's perspective. I love how the rest of the episode is written with Max often pondering her decision in this alternate timeline.


But my gf was nowhere near as certain, so she made us choose 'I don't know' to begin with, but ultimately she came around to it, too.


Now I just wonder if our decision will impact on anything in later Episode 4 or Episode 5. I sure hope it doesn't. Imagine if we got thrust into that timeline again and everything was horrible for Chloe's parents after we euthanised her.





FYI, we only got upset because right now is a generally disruptive/emotional time in our lives. It was just that bit easier to empathise with someone's devastating plight!

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Finished it over lunch.  DAT ENDING!


It wasn't as big a shock as it should have been though, because I managed to partially figure it out in the previous scene.



As soon as Jefferson showed up at the party I was just like "Welp, he's involved with Nathan somehow."  I can't put my finger on how I knew, I just did.



I am going to go insane waiting for Episode 5...


*Edit - Prediction for the ending of the season:



Max ends up using the butterfly photo from the bathroom to go back in time and let Chloe get shot.  I feel like the whole theme of this game has been that fucking with the timeline results in nothing but trouble, and the only way to really fix anything is to not even try in the first place.



*Edit 2 - Apparently some people have a theory that



Jefferson is actually another time traveler, who knows that Max is damaging the timeline and is just trying to keep everything from going completely tits-up.  He kills Chloe because she's supposed to be dead anyway, and is drugging Max more to get her under control rather than do anything sinister.  The scenes from the "next time on..." bit are just there to deliberately make us keep following the more obvious line of thought so we don't see this coming.


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