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They just announced Episode 5 isn't releasing until October 20!  I was hoping for this month!


:bun-lightning:  :bun-cry:  :bun-emo:


Oh well, I'd rather they take their time and do it right than rush it out to meet an arbitrary 2-month schedule.

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Oh, I somehow didn't realize that the October date was one more month later than usual. Then again, I still haven't played Episode 4... Been meaning to play it for the past couple weeks but between homework piling up and MGSV taking every second of free time I have, I haven't managed to get around to it yet. :( I really should just ignore MGSV for one evening and get it done.


Anyway, briefly scrolled up and nope! Getting the hell back out of this thread until I'm up to date! The ending of Ep 3 was a complete surprise even though I played it like a month late and it was awesome. So I'm not risking spoiling the next one!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, now that episode 5 came out last night, I finally got around to playing episode 4. And all I can say is: holy shit!


Seriously, what in the goddamned hell?! That fucking cliffhanger, man! Never saw it coming, although looking back I kinda feel like I should have.



Now the question is whether Nathan is simply being framed or was actually acting with/being used by Jefferson. Obviously, Nathan "storming off campus" never happened. Jefferson clearly got rid of him.



A part of me regrets waiting this long to play it because, unlike most people, I actually love cliffhanger endings and the anticipation is part of the fun for me. But the other part is so fucking glad I don't have to wait 2-3 months for the conclusion! Most likely going to play it tonight. 

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Now I want to hear what you think about all these massive spoiler thoughts I had/found elsewhere:

Finished it over lunch.  DAT ENDING!
It wasn't as big a shock as it should have been though, because I managed to partially figure it out in the previous scene.

As soon as Jefferson showed up at the party I was just like "Welp, he's involved with Nathan somehow."  I can't put my finger on how I knew, I just did.

I am going to go insane waiting for Episode 5...
*Edit - Prediction for the ending of the season:

Max ends up using the butterfly photo from the bathroom to go back in time and let Chloe get shot.  I feel like the whole theme of this game has been that fucking with the timeline results in nothing but trouble, and the only way to really fix anything is to not even try in the first place.

*Edit 2 - Apparently some people have a theory that

Jefferson is actually another time traveler, who knows that Max is damaging the timeline and is just trying to keep everything from going completely tits-up.  He kills Chloe because she's supposed to be dead anyway, and is drugging Max more to get her under control rather than do anything sinister.  The scenes from the "next time on..." bit are just there to deliberately make us keep following the more obvious line of thought so we don't see this coming.


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*Edit - Prediction for the ending of the season:



Max ends up using the butterfly photo from the bathroom to go back in time and let Chloe get shot.  I feel like the whole theme of this game has been that fucking with the timeline results in nothing but trouble, and the only way to really fix anything is to not even try in the first place.


Hahaha, I kinda wish I hadn't read this one because it seems like a pretty likely scenario. Especially considering how



they made a point of bringing up the photo in episode 4. I didn't even remember when it was from since it's been so long but now it kinda fits with this theory. Plus, it actually kind of reframes the alternate reality assisted suicide thing as foreshadowing for Max making that decision rather than just random, inconsequential shock value. Yeah, I think you might be on to something here.



*Edit 2 - Apparently some people have a theory that



Jefferson is actually another time traveler, who knows that Max is damaging the timeline and is just trying to keep everything from going completely tits-up.  He kills Chloe because she's supposed to be dead anyway, and is drugging Max more to get her under control rather than do anything sinister.  The scenes from the "next time on..." bit are just there to deliberately make us keep following the more obvious line of thought so we don't see this coming.


This one seems like more a stretch. At the very least, I'd be disappointed if it turned out to be true. Also, maybe I'm way off but



I thought that the reveal implied that Jefferson was responsible for that whole creepy dark room bunker deal and Rachel Amber's death. That's why I'm wondering what Nathan's role actually was. Maybe he was drugging the girls and luring them there for Jefferson or something. Which would paint him as more of a creepy serial killer-ish type rather than someone looking out for the greater good.


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The reveal did imply that, but I think that theory would say that implication is just misdirection.


*Edit - Also, yeah, I hadn't even thought of that foreshadowing bit, now I agree it seems even more likely.

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Yeah, and now that I think about it, that's also exactly what happened with



William. She saved him and realized it just made things worse, so she made the difficult decision of going back and undoing it. I'm starting to see a bit of a recurring theme here...



For the other theory, I suppose the misdirection thing is possible but I don't buy it. The entire idea just seems kind of stupid to me, for some reason, so I really hope it doesn't turn out to be true lol.


Another thing I'm wondering is if



they'll explain how/why Max got her powers.



I don't expect they will but I care about small details like that so I kinda hope they do.

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Welp, just finished episode 5.



Goddamnit, Ethan!


Oh well, at least I had the option not to do it. Although, comparing the two endings, it's clear which one is the "real" ending. Or, at least, the Sacrifice Chloe one has more weight to it. The other one feels kind of unsatisfying, like it was an afterthought.



Overall, it definitely maintained the level of quality that made people call it a better Telltale game than Telltale ever did. Now I really hope we get a second season. Dontnod have already said that they view it as an anthology kind of deal, so a second season would feature a completely new story with a new cast. I'm really curious to see what they would follow this up with.

Edited by FHellD
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I am a terrible human being.



I'm sitting there watching the final scene with tears in my eyes going "they're gonna make me sacrifice chloe", and then even worse, they gave me the fucking option!  I couldn't do it, not after all I'd been through for her.  Arcadia Bay just wasn't worth that big a price.


My Max is definitely gonna be massively fucked up though.  When it showed the tornado tearing into the town I had a second of "I've made a huge mistake" before realizing that even though I felt terrible about everyone in town, if I could undo it by killing Chloe I still wouldn't.



I am a terrible human being.

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Go back and do the other. I made the same choice as you at first but the other one feels like a better, truer ending to the story. :(


It's also longer and doesn't feel like an afterthought. I'd be willing to bet they only gave a choice because they knew people would expect multiple endings.

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  • 1 month later...

Finished it today. I'm disappointed.


Episode 5 is



So fucking weird for me. While it's not bad... I have to say, I don't like it. I wish it was more normal. I really enjoyed playing the earlier episodes. I was quite disappointed with how this whole episode played.


Oh... and yes, I picked to save Chloe at the end. WTF. I've been saving EVERYONE the whole game. It's time to be selfish for a change. They could have written the ending for that choice a lot better. Show the consequences of your action, not just driving around a destroyed city. Show the people who died. Show the people who survived (which hopefully is linked to the people you interacted with and saved, to give some form of comfort. Everything I did can't be all for nothing, right?). I guess they just didn't want you to pick that ending. They might as well not have given you a choice.


It's another game with a character death at the end. I'm getting real sick of it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished episode 3:



Also, I'm pretty sure this happened in The Butterfly Effect but this game is hella better so I will forgive.

Also how do you explain a freak eclipse, like, the moon or sun would have to move to do that, which would create major issues on earth. I 


Wowsers, I'm pretty cereal when I say this: time to listen to my Hi-Fi and send some SMS messages.

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I finished the game last night.


I went with the sacrifice Chloe ending because she was really a shit friend to Max. Seriously Chloe, Max can't answer one phone call from another friend? You find Rachel's body and you STILL won't let her go to the police, you're going to kill Nathan so you end up in jail as a murder and Max as an accomplice? She also had Max mercy kill her in an alternate reality, which I did, but was still a weird thing to ask since it probably would have ended up with Max going to jail.....

I did watch the other ending online, jeeze, it's weird that they'd just like, leave town, drive right past the diner, and not even look for survivors. The diner wasn't in that bad of shape, its totally possible that Chloe's mom, Warren, Frank, etc were alive in there.

The ending itself was fine, but I really wish they would have found some way to incorporate some of your decisions. It becomes very apparent in the final episode that the decisions you're making DON'T matter, I let David kill Jefferson because I knew it'd get wiped out, I didn't both telling Joyce anything, or talking to Frank in the diner. From a story telling perspective, I thought the ending was fitting, it's just too bad they couldn't have found a way to make decisions feel like they have consequences. Also, why were Kate, Warren, etc at Chloe's funeral when they would have never really known her??

But I really did like it, it was very Telltale except it ran great, had a decent gameplay mechanic in the time rewind, and besides the ending, felt like a lot of decisions I was making mattered. Chloe and Max both reminded me of people I knew in high school. While some of the other characters fell a little flat (What was with Brooke's drone, it really seemed like that was going to come into play some how and it didn't, leaving me to wonder why??), and a lot of the other students just ended up being kind of pointless near the end. Maybe they'll come into play in season 2.

I'm surprised that, with all the alternate realities, we never did get to meet Rachel Amber. Even in Twin Peaks we met Laura Palmer.

Also, the slang was really atrocious, if you're going to set your game in the US, at least have someone familiar with the states look over your script. No one would say hella in 2013, and saying it's hella annoying. Wowsers, SMS, "go ape", HiFi, all that stuff really broke the emersion they were trying so hard to create.

While I'm nitpicking, why was Max, who's 18th birthday was in September, still going to high school? Why would she transfer to private art school for just one year? Why would the school allow a party with alcohol, and a fucking VIP zone that some students aren't allowed in? I know the principal was getting paid by the Prescott's but it seems like children + alcohol + school swimming pool = lawsuit and probably a loss of their accreditation. 

With the success of the game clearly they'll do a follow up. I wonder if they'll continue on with Max or just create a brand new character.


Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So Episode 1 kinda worried me as it didn't truly catch my interest. Like, this game has some fantastic presentation, but I found myself hardly drawn to any of the characters. Likewise, I like that while you can rewind your choices, most of the time you can backpedal. Kinda makes your choices like a multiple-choice questionnaire rather than having significance like in The Walking Dead.


Then Episode 2 steps in and this game got a whole lot more interesting and better. There isn't as much of a "teen drama" vibe as the first episode and this one establishes that Arcadia Bay itself is screwed. I mean, did you see those GAS PRICES?! Not to mention that helping out Kate seems like a losing battle.


Granted, I was able to...


stop her from committing suicide. It pays off in this game to snoop around. Otherwise, I imagine the 40% who couldn't save her didn't read/look at everything in her room.



Still, that's the nature of the beast. You're a 18 year-old girl who has been given a gift and burden who now must be involved with those around her. Speak of, I'm not a fan of Chloe. I know she's gone through stuff, but she's also put that upon herself too. I dunno, like how she can shoot herself wanting hella trick shots. Also, she's into guilting Max a bit too much.  <_<

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So I finished Ep 3 and this one was kinda odd on the choices you could make. Like, I would have taken David's gun back but I think the vent was closed off. Was that where the gun was hiding? I dunno, for something that appears that you can easily miss, I'm not sure why that would be a major choice at the stats page.


I also see I'm in the minority on...


siding with David. I originally went with siding with Chloe, but that screwed up the family. I get where David is coming from, he's just doing an awful job of protecting the Blackwell students. You don't interrogate a victim like Kate just so you can get details on Vortex Club parties. So I rewind and sided with him to postpone the family drama.



I mean, it's hard for me to be comfortable with Chloe because she's "mad at the world." But nearing the end there was that perfect moment where you get to call her out on it. She then has the gall to blame her deceased father.


But now I've played the beginning of Ep 4 and I think I'm going to be more sympathetic to her. Still, I'm not liking that you can rewind on these major moments. It dampens the seriousness of the moment and presentation when you can easily go back and second-guess. I ended up doing that and I'm not comfortable where I'm at necessarily. I'll keep it, path less traveled and etc.


EDIT: I looked through this thread a bit more and I think I'll say my Ep 4 piece early as I'm halfway through it.


On the decision of Chloe's condition...


I first chose I Don't Know, then I chose Refuse after a few minutes consideration.


This scene was most definitely handled very properly. I feel this is one of those moments where there's no proper response as Max gives reasonable arguments for both sides. I don't know what the percentage is, but I can explain my reasoning.


Really, what right would I have as her best friend, after visiting her after a 5 year hiatus, to OD her and explain to her parents, "Nah, it was for her own good." Granted, I knew we were going to correct the issue with going back with the photo. Still, I'm not comfortable with any suicide. It's too real an issue I've been around and I'm glad I was able to save Kate in Ep 2. If you chose the Refuse option, Chloe even says she has told her parents she wants to end her life. It's poetic that she wanted her last memory to be with Max, but I couldn't bring myself to OD someone and tear a family apart.


I had to do that after purposely sending William to his death.



I'm not sure if that last bit will pop up in Max's mind, but to me I feel like I would then have a personal responsibility for what was originally just an accident. So Chaos Theory: Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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  • 1 year later...

Second season officially announced.

No details yet, so we don't know if the plan is still to have a completely new story with a new cast of characters. I hope it is because I loved the original but I don't feel like there's a lot of potential for more interesting stories there nor do I particularly feel the need to revisit those characters all that much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, yesterday there was news that the Pain developers (that shitty PS3 game) had rebranded to Deck Nine and were working on a new narrative-driven game in a critically-acclaimed franchise from a AAA publisher. Well, if this leak is to be believed, it's apparently a Life is Strange prequel focusing on Chloe and Rachel. Because I guess someone thought that was a good idea. There's screenshots and everything, so it seems at least somewhat believable.

I... can't say I feel like this needed to exist. If we're getting this then I really hope Dontnod's season 2 is going to be something completely new. 

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Yep. My guess is that the morons at Square-Enix couldn't leave it alone and had to cash in on the first season's success. Hopefully that means that Dontnod are indeed making something new. I really hope we're not getting a prequel and a sequel. The first season worked as its own thing, I don't need or want more of it...

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