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Games You've Beat in 2015


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Arkham Knight (incomplete)


So, I'd place this as my 3rd favourite game in the series (including Origins), which says more about the quality of the series than this game as it's really damn good. It's got some problems though, and I think it get's in its own way at times. The Tank battles were tedious to say the least, I must have destroyed upwards of 700 tanks in my playthrough. Riddler trophies are as annoying as they've ever been, only this time however story is hidden behind them. There's no way I'm going to spend the time collecting them all (I just don't find it that worthwhile), so I googled the 'true' ending and it looks like I made the correct call.


So yeah, a good game that ultimately shoots itself in the foot by trying to go bigger and badder than before. It's over-long and loses sight of what Batman is too. Remind if of a certain recent Batman film?

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MGSV, I got the true ending. Man, what a fucking game. Kojima needs some sort of award for perfecting open world gameplay. Story was top notch, well, as top notch as Metal Gear can get. TSad to see Kojima leave just when Metal Gear reaches such heights. But now that the ground work is laid, maybe someone else can keep extrapolate on it. I JUST WANT MORE METAL GEAR!!

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The fact that my mom dropped me down a flight of stairs has NOTHING to do with my accurate appraisal of Metal Gear.

The only thing really left dangling is the Eli plot line, but you can see a video online of mission 51, which tied it up perfectly. You're kidding yourself if you think it won't get released as DLC or patched it. The only possibility of this NOT being released in the near future is if the reason they removed it was to set up MGSVI. 



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  On 9/15/2015 at 3:53 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:

The fact that my mom dropped me down a flight of stairs has NOTHING to do with my accurate appraisal of Metal Gear.

The only thing really left dangling is the Eli plot line, but you can see a video online of mission 51, which tied it up perfectly. You're kidding yourself if you think it won't get released as DLC or patched it. The only possibility of this NOT being released in the near future is if the reason they removed it was to set up MGSVI. 



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Assassin's Creed: Rogue.


I enjoyed it, but I think I'm done with Assassin's Creed for a while.  Sincerely doubt I'll get Victory, unless they show some amazing new thing about it that rekindles my interest.

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  On 9/15/2015 at 4:37 PM, FLD said:


  On 9/15/2015 at 3:53 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:

The fact that my mom dropped me down a flight of stairs has NOTHING to do with my accurate appraisal of Metal Gear.

The only thing really left dangling is the Eli plot line, but you can see a video online of mission 51, which tied it up perfectly. You're kidding yourself if you think it won't get released as DLC or patched it. The only possibility of this NOT being released in the near future is if the reason they removed it was to set up MGSVI. 



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Also can we just admit Kiefer Sutherland > David Hayter?? The only problem with Kiefer is clearly they cheaped out on hiring him too much since he's silent much more than he should be. But when he does speak, he's great. 

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I listened to Peace Walker tapes after I started playing MGS5 (so I could get some details while at work and away from the game) and Hayter comes off as downright cheesy in comparison. I think overall Kiefer Sutherland does fit better for what I've seen of the tone of this game.

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  On 9/16/2015 at 4:25 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:


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Also can we just admit Kiefer Sutherland > David Hayter?? The only problem with Kiefer is clearly they cheaped out on hiring him too much since he's silent much more than he should be. But when he does speak, he's great.

You totally should, bagels are delicious!





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As for Kiefer, I still think casting him was a mistake but that's on Kojima, not Kiefer. The actual performance was fine. Although it's kind of ridiculous that even after like 9 seasons of 24 the guy still seems to struggle with the pronunciation of the word nuclear. I think the biggest issue for me was that I'm a huge fan of both MGS and 24. So it was actually worse than in Splinter Cell Blacklist where I simply didn't buy for one second that it was Sam Fisher. This time, all I could hear was Jack Bauer whenever Snake talked (especially whenever "nucular" happened). Hayter may sound cheesy but he IS Snake. For better and for worse.

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This is how I would have done it:


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The Taken King.


Finished the main story yesterday, though awesomely there are a whole bunch of quests that unlock after the main story is finished.  This is made almost entirely of excellent addition/changes to Destiny.  My only real complaint so far is that there doesn't appear to be a good PvE way to get Legendary Marks until you're already a high enough light level that you don't really need them.

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Rebuild 3...sorta.

I got the bad ending (well, one of the bad endings it is a zombie game). Vast improvement over the last game with an actual story of sorts. Get's a bit samey near the end but there's enough story to pull you through and mix it up a bit. If you're looking for a non-IAP city building game on your phone or tablet I'd recommend it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished a game of Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide on Normal over the weekend. Beyond Earth is much, much, much, much, much better with this expansion, even if you don't particularly care about building cities in the oceans. The completely revamped diplomacy system is the best in any Civ game so far and gives the player very clear and logical feedback regarding how the AI civs feel about the player and why. For the first time in Civ, the player can actually why another civ hates them and whether another civ is cooperative because it loves the player's civ or because it fears the player civ. If anyone relly wants to know more about how the new diplomacy works, ask about it in the civ thread and I'll go into details. The bottom line is that it's almost entirely different from vanilla Beyond Earth and is unlike the system in any Civ game I've ever played.


The new hybrid affinities are pretty neat, too. I think some of the more powerful endgame units are the hybrid affinity versions rather than the single-affinity units, although ultimate units are just as powerful regardless of the upgrade path you choose. I played one of the new factions as Harmony, but my Supremacy and Purity levels were also pretty high, so I had a few hybrid affinity units near the end.


Affinity level is also made much clearer, including how many affinity points you need to get the next level. The tech tree also actually tells you how many points a given technology will get you for a given affinity (or two!).


In general, the UI, while not totally redone, is much better at telling the player what's going on and why.


With this expansion, Beyond Earth finally feels like a complete entry into the Civilization line of games and I highly recommend it for fans of Civ.

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Also if you go Harmony to like level 9 and get certain techs you can leash colossal aliens and create an army of space lobsters and that's pretty neat.


EDIT: its neat until the late-game when your lobsters get killed by tier 3 hovertanks ;_;)7

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Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures.


So, yeah, as expected, it's a bit of a weird one. It's a decent platformer but not one I'd necessarily recommend to anyone that's not into AVGN. Pretty much everything is a direct reference to a joke or character from the show, so someone unfamiliar with it would get very little out of it. The "license" on its own isn't really enough to carry the entire game and the game itself isn't quite unique or special enough to recommend on its own merit either. But when you put the two together, it's actually kind of alright.


For the most part, it was much easier than I expected. I blasted through almost all the levels in only a couple hours. I played on normal difficulty, which means 30 lives. So even though you inevitably die a lot, you can usually make it to the boss with enough lives left to figure out his pattern and beat him. And even if you don't, since the difficulty is all about bullshit patterns and beginner traps, you can usually beat the level again fairly easily and make it to the boss with almost all of your lives on a second run. There's a bit of a difficulty spike on the 8th level but it's nothing that can't be done after 2-3 runs. 


Then you unlock the final level and holy shit, it is one of the most frustrating bullshit experience I've played through in a long time. That's obviously what they were going for, so mission accomplished, I guess. On my first run, I lost almost all of my lives on the first fucking platforming bit. It took me a good 2-3 runs (as in burning through all 30 lives) to even get to a place where I could reliably make it to the boss (using about half of my lives in the process) and the boss itself somehow took the bullshit to another level entirely.


For a while, I actually didn't think I had the skills to ever beat him. Just like everything else, he's all about bullshit patterns but he switches it up like 4 times, which leaves you very little room to adapt. The boss fight alone forced me to replay the final level so much that by the time I finally managed to beat him I could get through the level pretty easily and using less than 10 lives. If it wasn't for that final level, this would've been a 3 hours long game for me. Ultimately, it ended up taking me almost 8 hours to finally beat it.


Overall, I kinda want to say I enjoyed it. I'll certainly check out the sequel when it comes out. But if you rage at games easily, you should probably skip it. If you like hard games and AVGN, though, it's worth a look.

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