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Games You've Bought 2015


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If, like me, you're one of the five people who still don't own Borderlands 2, it's on sale for 10 bucks over at MacGameStore. It's a SteamPlay title, so you get it for Windows/Mac/Linux. This deal is noteworthy because it's as close to a real Complete Edition as the game is likely to ever get. It's not just the GOTY Edition, this is the GOTY + all the worthwhile DLC Gearbox greedily didn't include in it. As far as I can tell, the only stuff you don't get is pointless cosmetic crap.


I'm really hesitant to give money to Gearbox these days but shit, even I couldn't say no to that price.

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If, like me, you're one of the five people who still don't own Borderlands 2, it's on sale for 10 bucks over at MacGameStore. It's a SteamPlay title, so you get it for Windows/Mac/Linux. This deal is noteworthy because it's as close to a real Complete Edition as the game is likely to ever get. It's not just the GOTY Edition, this is the GOTY + all the worthwhile DLC Gearbox greedily didn't include in it. As far as I can tell, the only stuff you don't get is pointless cosmetic crap.


I'm really hesitant to give money to Gearbox these days but shit, even I couldn't say no to that price.

Got it too. Also don't forget coupon code macgames5off for 50 cents off. Now enjoy that soda that Gearbox doesn't need with BL2.

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Returned both GameCube controllers I got in the GameStop bundle (as they were individually listed) seeing as how I only needed (a.k.a. really wanted) the controller adapter.


Got store credit back, spent it all on Far Cry 4. Unfortunately, it must take a backseat to three other games as I still haven't gotten around to my holiday backlog.

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have my vita.haven't thought to try it in the same room. for some stupid reason. And is the vitas wireless chip weak or something? I was having issues in my bedroom getting signal, yet my phone was connected just fine.  I may have to contact AT&T and see if there's an updated gateway I can get.


and that was a joke (somewhat) anyway.  Point is during this winter break I've somehow still had little free time. sigh.

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I think the issue with the Vita on wireless is that when streaming a game short-term dips in signal can really affect the video, whereas browsing the internet on your phone isn't really affected.  And it can't buffer like Youtube or Netflix can.

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Pre-orders are up for the HD Remaster. There's a 22% off voucher on GMG if anyone else is interested.


I am so fucking pumped for this one! I never owned a GCN so I never actually got the chance to play it. I remember borrowing my friend's system for RE4 but I was never able to do the same for this one, for some reason. I did play the original PS1 version eventually but I keep hearing about how much better the remake is, so I'm really excited to finally play it.

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I bought The Last of Us some day after new year and what a disappointment...


Would love to know why. I absolutely loved it. Expectations too high?


https://ihateloadingscreens.wordpress.com/2015/01/04/the-last-of-us/ I see. I don't agree to be honest, I think that TLoU told a great story, the lack of soliloquies from the protagonists was a good decision, when I'm talking to people when we're out and about it's normally in a couple of sentences, rather than a five minute speech, it felt more real to me. As for back stories, people's pasts are alluded to and Left Behind (which I have yet to play) adds more story to Ellie's journey. The crafting, combat and exploration gameplay all felt great to me.

Edited by Thursday Next
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These were both cheap enough, and I have no self control :unsure2:




The former, I'm not sure my friends will like (though they've been enjoying other dice-rolly, skirmish games) and they went off the card game; on the plus side, might be able to introduce this to the gaming group. The latter, I just had to own. I've heard it described as 'misunderstood genius' and it's all pretty and full of bits and I'm in a cyberpunk mood and it sounds really thematic and has a bunch of story and...

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So far the game itself is pretty fun (and so fucking weird) but sadly it's a very shit port. No graphical options to speak of and a 30FPS cap. There's a way to change the cap through editing .ini files but you also have to tweak certain other settings otherwise it fucks with the timing of the QTEs. Also, it seems the game tends to crash when running at 60FPS. I had to revert back to 30 because of one mission that kept locking up on me. As much as it sucks, I think I'll just leave it at 30FPS because it's gonna be a pain in the ass to constantly have to switch back and forth.

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