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Games You've Bought 2015


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£5 for a brand new copy of Rayman Legends Wii U is too hard to pass up, even if I didn't  finish the last one. I'll have to get back to it. I got stuck on one of those chest chasing levels and abandoned it in annoyance which is pretty dumb considering they were optional as I was enjoying it otherwise.

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I played Rayman Origins on the Vita and was enjoying it until I got to a point where I needed more lumens (or whatever they were called) to unlock the next area and I'd already gotten all the ones I could without way more effort than I was willing to put in.  I don't mind if they'd wanted to have bonus stuff unlocked by getting more/all of them, but the main path should be fairly easy to unlock.

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I bought:








I wanted to play Unfinished Swan since it came out but it doesn't seem to go on sale very often. Just watch it go on plus now I finally splashed some cash on it. Ground Zeroes will be my first attempt at a MGS game. I had no intention of getting in on the ground floor so paying money for a demo seems like a great alternative plan. Sleeping dogs I have already told myself I will probably never get around to playing.

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Sleeping Dogs is surprisingly good. Pretty brutal near the end too. Mrs Chu is good too.

I'm kind of bitter about the spinoff (I'm calling what Triad Wars really is). Such a waste of time when they could do a sequel or prequel (1980's Hong Kong, Macau and a casino ship in-between that may be in international waters motherfucker). Triad Wars may be fun, I guess, but in bold are part of the reason why people love Sleeping Dogs: the story and characters. 

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Lords of The Fallen


Pretty neat monster whack-fest. I've seen some people calling it Dark Souls-lite, but to me it's just Dark Souls minus the bullshit. LoTF can be just as difficult at places but it moves at more brisk pace, without the chores of endlessly respawning monsters or scarcely placed save points. Gameplay wise it's much more user-friendly so I guess it won't gain a large, elitist fan base.


Oh, and the combat kicks ass. You can feel the weight of each swing, especially when you do it with something big, which can be very cathartic if you like that sort of thing.

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It's no Scott Pilgrim but it's close enough. I'm not sure about the decision to just have two discrete playing fields instead of one continuous field like in most other 2D beat-them-ups. It almost seems like a mechanic that would have been around in the NES era (But then we had games like River City Ransom). It doesn't hurt the game though, it's just odd. 


Also it is oddly hard at times.

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I finished my Chris run in REHD and didn't really feel like doing one of those bullshit knife-only, real-survival or invisible enemies run. At least not right now. So, it was either going back to FFXIII or buying this.


I've never actually played it so I'm really curious to see whether it'll live up to all the praise it gets on the internet. The last time I played an old Tim Schafer game was Psychonauts and I was not disappointed, so I'm kind of optimistic going into this one.

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I needed to replace my current case because it's kinda banged up and most of its fans don't even spin anymore. I didn't want to spend too much and wasn't planning on getting anything fancy, but once I started shopping around I came across this sexy thing and it was love at first sight. I had to have it.


It's technically a mid-tower but in reality it's almost a full one. There's a hell of a lot more space in it than in my current one, so that'll be nice. There's dedicated cable management holes in the back panel and the PSU goes at the bottom. It also doesn't light up like a fucking christmas tree. In other words, it's a massive improvement over the monstrosity currently housing my system. It cannot get here soon enough.

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