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Games You've Bought 2015


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I meant more in the "buyer beware" sense. Like, if EA suddenly decides that your key isn't legitimate and blacklists it, you're gonna be shit outta luck. G2A are very likely going to tell you to go fuck yourself when you ask them for a refund. It's been known to happen.

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If the key is illegitimate then maybe Origin shouldn't accept them in the first place. As it is it's loaded up fine n dandy n installed not long ago I presume it's a legal key.


Of course if you mean if EA decides it suddenly doesn't want to become a global company and retroactively, and more than likely within the EU highly illegally, decide to clear out accounts with games that do not originate from the country where the player is based, then that is where EA needs to figure out why the fuck they're selling keys and different price points globally over the world wide web.


G2A actually have a thing called "G2A shield", should any of the above happen then yeah they'll refund you. Pretty likely a good little scheme going on since it's so unlikely n yet folks like to rattle up the FUD which means G2A can get a little bit of money(it's 1 Euro) n payers get a little peace of mind.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 8:16 PM, FLD said:

I meant more in the "buyer beware" sense. Like, if EA suddenly decides that your key isn't legitimate and blacklists it, you're gonna be shit outta luck. G2A are very likely going to tell you to go fuck yourself when you ask them for a refund. It's been known to happen.


The only time something like that has happened recently AFAIK is with the Ubi keys that they said were stolen and then resold.  And in that case didn't they end up reactivating them anyway?

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  On 3/27/2015 at 8:31 PM, deanb said:

If the key is illegitimate then maybe Origin shouldn't accept them in the first place. As it is it's loaded up fine n dandy n installed not long ago I presume it's a legal key.

It's not that the key itself isn't legitimate, it's the way it was acquired that's a little shadier. I mean, even Valve have been cracking down pretty hard on regional price exploitation lately. Pretty much everything on Steam is region locked at this point, from what I understand. I mean, buy from them all you want. I'm not trying to tell you you shouldn't. It just seems a bit risky to me, that's all.


  On 3/27/2015 at 9:16 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

The only time something like that has happened recently AFAIK is with the Ubi keys that they said were stolen and then resold.  And in that case didn't they end up reactivating them anyway?

The Ubi thing was probably the largest and most public case and I'm guessing Ubi figured they've been getting enough bad press as it is lately lol.


But I've often heard about people getting screwed over after buying from G2A. It's not like it happens every other week or anything but it's regularly enough that I'll never buy from them.

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The day has finally come!




I was initially eyeing the Asus Strix 960, but like a week before I was ready to order I found out about the new 4GB model. That was pretty lucky timing because it would've sucked to find out about it too late. Newegg.ca didn't have the 4GB version for the Asus model, though. But I've been hearing scary things about Asus' customer service anyway, so I was already thinking of going with EVGA instead. I've had really great experiences dealing with them in the past and everyone seems to agree that their customer service is second to none. So, I feel a bit safer going with them. Also, I think I qualify for a free copy of The Witcher 3!


And with that, my new build is essentially complete! There's still a few things I'd like to add here and there, like an extra stick of RAM, maybe another HDD and some better cooling wouldn't hurt either. But the core parts have all been upgraded now, so that feels pretty good. Now I'm all set for Witcher 3, Arkham Knight and The Phantom Pain!

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350$ after shipping and taxes. PC components are way more expensive in Canada than they are in the US. Overall, this model is almost 100 bucks more. :(


I would've saved a little over 60 bucks by going with the 2GB model but I figured the extra VRAM would come in handy sooner rather than later.

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Got it for free from the Nvidia promo. Seems like Newegg.ca arbitrarily decided to not include my card's model in the promotion but I insisted a little bit with their chat support and they ended up giving me a code anyway. It's for GOG rather than Steam, though, which is kind of a bummer. But hey, it's still a free game, can't complain. I considered trying to trade it but that seemed like too much of a hassle to bother, so I ended up just redeeming the code.

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Lol. I had a feeling you would reply to that bit.


It's not like I have anything against GOG, I just like Steam better. It's where I already have the vast majority of my games and I don't like splitting my library among multiple services unless I have no other choice.


There's also extra stuff like achievements, cards, etc, but that's all just secondary bullshit. It really just boils down to preferring to have my games on my Steam account. I'll probably end up double-dipping the game at some point for that very reason.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 3:01 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

You can add non-Steam games to Steam.

What Ethan said.


  On 4/5/2015 at 3:01 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

Not to mention this is the company that has straight up given out Steam keys to people who purchased through GoG. Which is a win for everyone.

For which one? I know for a while (maybe still?) they allowed you to register your Steam key on GOG for a "backup copy" but this is the first I hear of them doing it the other way around.


But yeah, I mean, CD Projekt are an awesome company overall. Like I said, nothing against GOG or them. I'm glad GOG exists. It's just not my personal preferred digital distribution service.

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Sounds like a really cool filler. Might scratch the same itch as Machi Koro except it wouldn't suck since, instead of die rolling, there's a press-your-luck element that is only part of it and it has a pirate theme. A lot of depth for a game solely consisting of 120 cards (the backs double as coins) and was under £10.


Also, that seagull has pooped on that guy's boot and I can't tell if that guy is pissed off or unaware or gently dissatisfied.

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