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Games You've Bought 2015


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I just sent an email to XSEED regarding Akiba so it can get to the right people. I've done the same with Re;Birth1 when it came out.


Whoever is doing the port, they've gotten better with regards to NepNep. A quick gander makes it seems like Re;Birth2 is at the state of Re;Birth1 after the patches. I'll play around some more to get a better feel.


For XSEED, it is hard to tell what they do. Some of the stuff I've seen in the blog seems more involved than just plain localization. For example, the XSEED lady was active on Steam during Re;Birth1 launch to gather feedback. Nothing from her for Akiba.


Eh... I think I'm going to stop Akiba for now. Humorous and decently fun game. I just don't want to race through the dialogs because I'm expecting frame rate drops. I don't want to be saving like a mad man or fear a crash/freeze during a long fight (It just happen with the AKB 48 fight after I got through ~25 of them).

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  On 5/30/2015 at 10:08 AM, MaliciousH said:

I just sent an email to XSEED regarding Akiba so it can get to the right people. I've done the same with Re;Birth1 when it came out.


Whoever is doing the port, they've gotten better with regards to NepNep. A quick gander makes it seems like Re;Birth2 is at the state of Re;Birth1 after the patches. I'll play around some more to get a better feel.


For XSEED, it is hard to tell what they do. Some of the stuff I've seen in the blog seems more involved than just plain localization. For example, the XSEED lady was active on Steam during Re;Birth1 launch to gather feedback. Nothing from her for Akiba.


Eh... I think I'm going to stop Akiba for now. Humorous and decently fun game. I just don't want to race through the dialogs because I'm expecting frame rate drops. I don't want to be saving like a mad man or fear a crash/freeze during a long fight (It just happen with the AKB 48 fight after I got through ~25 of them).


What XSEED lady? Like I said, XSEED have nothing to do with Re;Birth whatsoever. It's not their game, they're not localizing it, publishing it or anything. Idea Factory is doing all of that themselves nowadays and I'm pretty sure it was done by NISA before (around the time of the original PS3 releases). Are you sure you're not confusing them with IF? Would make infinitely more sense for her to be an IF lady...


Do you mean Sara? I mean, I guess it's possible she worked for IF as well but, if she did, then it wouldn't have anything to do with her work at XSEED.


XSEED are little more than a localization outfit. It's just that when it comes to Steam releases they're sometimes able to go a little beyond their usual MO by adding achievements and sometimes other stuff. For example, TitS FC on Steam is pretty much the definitive edition of the game now. They got their one programmer to add a bunch of improvements that were only added for the PSP port, they also touched up the translation a bit and there was talk of even adding HD assets from the Japanese-only PS3 versions (haven't kept up on whether or not that actually happened, though).


On the other hand, when it came to the PSP version they didn't patch in the translation adjustments because they had no way of doing that themselves. That would've required sending their edits to Falcom and apparently they no longer have any PSP devkits.


  On 5/30/2015 at 2:06 PM, Saturnine Tenshi said:

IFI publishes the Neptunia games in the West now, though it's entirely possible that they outsource localization.


And man, that sucks about Akiba's Trip. I've a feeling they won't be fixing it either, since these localization companies aren't exactly versed in these things.

Yep, IF are doing it themselves now. And considering how half-assed the localization is, I don't think they're outsourcing anything. I ended up playing the first Re;Birth in Japanese (something I usually never did for games) because I was getting annoyed with how the english dub only had voiceovers for like a third of the lines.


Also, considering how ridiculously long SC has been taking, I seriously doubt XSEED are taking outside work. They even had to enlist the Carpe Fulgur guys to help with SC and that didn't go so well, from what I heard.

Edited by FLD
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I wonder how much I've 'saved' by using GMG and other super-big discounts exclusive to PC versions of games. Probably a lot. But whatever the amount I've 'saved', it's probably dwarfed by the number of impulse purchases of discount PC games I would not have otherwise bought, to be fair.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Yeah, between the new Deus Ex announcement and what looks a lot like a new XCOM announcement tomorrow, I think now/the near future is the perfect time to upgrade. I'm certainly glad I did.


The current consoles are already feeling fairly outdated hardware-wise, so any decent rig built now should be good to last through the gen. I think I'll be fine with maybe just a GPU upgrade in a few years, and even then it probably won't be absolutely necessary.

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I'll admit that I'm still kind of sour over the while 3.5 GB VRAM for the GTX 970 thing (unless they somehow fixed it?) since it just doesn't jive well with futureproofing. If it wasn't for that, I would've upgraded already and this whole issue of just upgrading or new build would've been settled already. I sorely need one or the other since I'm not even hitting the 30 fps mark on say Wolfenstein TNO/TOB on settings that I can settle with. I can only imagine for games like The Witcher 3 or GTAV.


Bleh, the whole upgrade or new build debate that I've been having with myself really bothers me.

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My £16.15 converted from xbox points expires tomorrow so I bought Alien Isolation. It was £15.99 so used nearly all the money which was good, but apart from that, urgh. Wanted to buy the Dragon Age games when they were reduced to around £5 each (obviously not including Inquisition) but they were on offer for a ridiculously short time and faffing around trying to sort gold out meant i missed them. Plus it kept trying to charge me £40 for this game on the website so had to buy it of the console. Can't wait to be done with the XBox, tbh.

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  On 5/31/2015 at 6:31 PM, MaliciousH said:

I'll admit that I'm still kind of sour over the while 3.5 GB VRAM for the GTX 970 thing (unless they somehow fixed it?) since it just doesn't jive well with futureproofing.

That was blown WAY out of proportion, imho. It definitely sucks for those that were misled and they have a right to be angry. But otherwise, as far as buying the card now goes, from what I understand it's still a great card for all intents and purposes. I would've gotten one if it hadn't been out of my price range. I really don't think that last 0.5GB of VRAM being slower is going to make or break the card as far as futureproofing goes.


If it's still not good enough for you, you can always go with AMD. I'm not a fan but people keep recommending them so they must be doing something right (although it sure as shit isn't their drivers). And if futureproofing is what you want above all and money's not an issue, the GTX 980Ti is just around the corner.

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I really don't think that last 0.5GB of VRAM being slower is going to make or break the card as far as futureproofing goes.


This exact thing is something that affects futureproofing. You'll use that amount of VRAM when you start to do stuff like push 4K resolution which is something someone might do in the future.

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Sure, there's an impact but will it really make that much of a difference? I mean, at that point you might as well just go for the higher-end models if you really want to be safe. The 70s cards have always been mid-range and the 970 is still exactly that. The problem is only for people that bought one thinking it was more than that.

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You're the one that brought up future proofing so I'm not sure why you're now backpedaling to an argument that you shouldn't buy this card for future proofing. Though that's an awfully clouded response. Care to be direct and just say whether or not that affects future proofing for this card?

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  On 5/31/2015 at 10:41 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

You keep trying to come up with ways to not just flat out admit that the VRAM is an issue in use cases like 4K.


I fail to see how that contradicts anything I said. Besides, that's going to vary from game to game. And even when it's an issue, we're talking about a midrange card here. Like I said, if you want to be completely safe then go for a higher end card. Otherwise, yeah, a fucking midrange card isn't going to be able to handle all games at 4K. So?

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Assassin's Creed Rogue. For the 360. It's the first AC game since the first that I've played on XBox, so I've mixed feelings but half the price of PS3 version I'd be stupid to make a different decision. Pretty sure this is my last ever xbox purchase though I think I just said something similar a few posts up. Worried that at this rate I'll become a rabid xbox fanbro before I quit.

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Indeed I have aspirations of getting a higher resolution monitor in the future. So yeah, the GTX 970 is out of the race and with it, the ~$300 Nvidia option. I'm dead set on Nvidia so seems like I'm stuck with the ~$500 GTX 980. Great card for sure but I'm just unsure if a $500 card is what I need when a $300 card can fill the role... if it was normal 4 GB VRAM.


Not to say I won't spend the money. :P

Bundle a game or two with the card and I'm down.


Speak of the devil...




$650. Next week's AMD turn.

Edited by MaliciousH
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