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Games You've Bought 2015


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It wasn't made by Team Meat... Tommy Refenes never had anything to do with Isaac, it's just Edmund collaborating with other people. And in the case of Rebirth/Afterbirth, most of the development was handled by Nicalis. And even if it wasn't, focusing on the one game that's massively successful rather than the weird one that doesn't seem to be making much progress kinda makes sense, no?


Besides, I'm pretty sure Mewgenics was shelved a while back in favor of that Super Meat Boy runner game. And then iirc, that one also got shelved in favor of porting SMB to PS4.

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Got them while they were all on sale around Halloween. Used leftover card money so it ended up costing me about 4 bucks. Really looking forward to finally playing the RE5 DLC.


Also, since it doesn't seem to get discounted like... ever (it got excluded from every single major sale since Scholar of the First Sin came out) and I have plenty of disposable income right now, I finally caved in and got



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Yeah, I think I'll also hold off a little bit on LotV. I really want it but I just don't have time for it right now. Maybe I'll get it over christmas break or something.


That being said...




Instead of going to bed when I ran out of beer last night, I drunkenly bought Rocket League at 4AM. Ended up going to bed around 6... but man! This game is stupid fucking fun! I only played the single-player season to learn the ropes, so I'm gonna have to try playing online today. I fully expect to be terrible at it.

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I guess I forgot to post when I ordered it but this was waiting on my desk when I got home.




No idea when I'll actually have the time to play it but I've been meaning to get it for a while. They recently confirmed the sequel for a 2016 release, which prompted me to look on Amazon and for once the new copies on the marketplace weren't horribly overpriced, so I went for it.

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I wasn't sure whether I should wait until closer to launch or even pre-order at all but then I realized that, for some reason, S-E didn't inflate the price to 70-80$ CAD due to exchange rate bullshit. Factor in the pre-order discount and the lack of taxes and it ends up being way cheaper than if I had bought a physical console copy. So whatever, I got what I wanted and I'm not getting screwed over on the price so I'm supporting it.


Of course, Koei Tecmo's PC ports are notorious for being absolutely abysmal. So, this could potentially be the first time I make use of Steam refunds. Unlike some PC folks, I'm not too difficult to please, though. As long as this at least matches the PS4 version's visuals and 1080p60fps, I'll be happy.

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I hate it when I come in this thread to post something and no one has posted since my last post... :|


Anyway! New Steam sale and since dailies are dead I just grabbed a couple things right away. I was planning on getting those during the holidays sale anyway. 




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Now that I own the Season Pass, the Scholar upgrade was like 5 bucks so it was kind of a no-brainer. Snakebird was kind of an impulse purchase but I was already interested in it, I just had no idea it was on Steam. Thought it was a mobile game, for some reason. As for AC, I'm kind of annoyed that they weren't discounted separately but meh, I probably would've gotten both anyway if they had been 15 bucks each. Now I just need to play Black Flag already.


So, this is the part where I normally say I shouldn't buy anything else but I always end up doing it. There's not much else that's really tempting me, though. I had a few more things in my cart but ended up removing them. Except for the occasional random 1-2$ game I don't expect I'll be buying anything else major. It kind of helps that the stuff I really want like Wasteland 2 isn't discounted at all.


edit: Oh, yeah, this was actually ordered a few days ago but I kinda forgot about it until I got my shipping notice just now.




I've been on the fence about it for a long time because, well, it's fucking weird but also because the lack of a built-in USB rechargeable battery is kind of annoying. I mean, it's 2015 for fuck's sake, I shouldn't have to buy AA batteries for a damn game controller.


Anyway, I was already thinking about maybe getting one last week but what tipped me over was the left stick on my dualshock 3 being increasingly shit. It no longer stays properly centered (sometimes causing involuntary movement if a game is particularly sensitive) and sometimes even gets stuck on the sides when I flick it too hard. That's been going on for a while but it started bugging out on me while I was playing Trails in the Sky the other day and suddenly it was the most annoying thing ever. I decided it was time to replace it and kind of defaulted to looking at dualshock 4 prices at first but I said fuck it and got this instead. Figured it was now or never.

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I had £40 in steam credit, and fancied gettting some newer games for a change (I know Ryse is old). Plus I'll be forced to go on Destiny Hiatus with me moving house (no internet fuck), and this is likely the last time I get to buy games for a while (House).

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